Friday, October 24, 2008

CLEAN quilt room!

I did it - I cleaned it!
Much better, yes?! It took about 1.5 hours, but I also did a few loads of laundry and stopped to read magazines and books as I put them away in that time. Now it feels much better and there and I don't dread going in. However I think I should start putting the cover on my sewing machine - look what I found...

I also wanted to show you these fabulous boxes.
You ladies in UT will probably have seen them. They were all over the place when I was there this Summer. All the shops there were packing their kits in them and tying them up with pretty bows. My MIL, Carmen, and I went to Xpedex and they had hundreds of them. I had to think hard about how many to get since I knew I'd have to bring them all the way back to NH. I got 3 of each of the 2 sizes. Don't ask my MIL how many she got. It might be rather embarrassing for her lol! But she loves them and is making wonderful use of them. I'd love to find a local source. They're just so handy to have around, expecially because they stack wonderfully.

I'd encourage you to read one of my MIL's blogs, Quilt Stories Become Me. She is writing about the stories behind the quilts she makes, and it's so interesting. A real treasure for our family. You should in particular read this one - I make a starring role in it! The particular project she is talking about is the cleaning out of her living room which we took on this Summer when I stayed with her. My MIL is a quilter of unparalled proportions. You have NEVER seen a stash like hers. But I swear, she knows where every little scrap lays hidden. She mostly uses it to make charity quilts. That woman has a heart of gold and I really lucked out in the Mother In Law department:)


Sherri said...

The room looks great! I definitely couldn't post a picture of my sewing room right now...I think I'll clean it this've motivated me!

Unknown said...

Wow, the room looks so good. You probably received some new inspiration as well. That always happens to me when I clean.

Stephanie D said...

It all looks great! Mine right now is also Halloween Central and almost impossible to navigate.

Thanks for the link to you MIL's site, too. I drifted over and read a few posts--she's a great storyteller, isn't she? I added her to my blogroll also.

Candace said...

Your room is beautiful, and your DMIL sounds like a treasue.

Nanette Merrill said...

I love those boxes. How fabulous. I've seen them all over but didn't know where to get them. Thanks. Carmen's blog is definately on my google reader list. I'm so glad she started a blog.

Ok, my room has gotten a little cluttered and dusty in the past few days. I'm stopping RIGHT NOW to tidy up. Sometimes I think of that little Primary Christmas song about Joseph - you know it. I think it is called "when Joseph went to Bethlehem" Anyway it has one verse that goes "To place his tools and close his shop
and leave no shavings there" Sometimes I think of that when I am done at night in my sewing room and it helps me leave it tidy. Boy last night wasn't one of those nights!!!

Thanks JOanna.

em's scrapbag said...

Your room looks soo neat and tidy. I really should follow your example.

Anonymous said...

How about popping back to NZ and while you are here call into Howick, and feel free to knock yourself out in my craft room. I tidied it and its still a tip!!!

Karen said...

Looking good!!! And only an hour and a half... Can't wait to see the next creation that comes out of there...I know it will be lovely;)

jacquie said...

i love a clean sewing room!

Lisa said...

Looks great!!!

Cathie in UT said...

Makes me want to throw my stuff out and start all over! LOL
I am glad you shared Carmen's blog...I too love her stories and the kids will really love reading them in the future

SewAmy said...

your room looks beautiful.

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Ejoyed this post a lot. I just finished doing the same thing, however I was too much of a coward to post a before picture.
Good for you!!!


quilterpolly said...

Fabulous:) Your sewing room looks great;) I bet you will really enjoy going in and sewing now:)

Anonymous said...

Joanna, all your hard work paid off! Now you'll have to get creative and make another mess! Love the cobweb, you're ready for Halloween!

Teresa said...

Your room looks terrific and those boxes are very nice. I followed your link to your mother-in-law's page and sat here with tears in my eyes reading about her dear friend that passed away. I am positive that her friendship must have meant the world to this lady and she played a big part in the joy the lady found in quilting. What a beautiful story.

Shawn said...

Hey there girly! Wow! So many comments! I'm jealous...

Just wanted to let you know that I DO know Kimberly----she was in my show last year---Robin Hood.

I was in the Cantata this past Sunday---and she played the viola, right? Great gal...small world!

Marie Rayner said...

It looks like a completely different room!!! You make me wish I had time to quilt again. I sure miss it!

Abby and Stephanie said...

What a great space. Right now I'm stepping over piles. UGH!!!

Jodi Nelson said...

Awesome job on the Room! Looks great! I was so excited to see your blog. Many moons ago, I read it all the time, somewhere along the way it got lost. I'm happy to have found it again! ooxx`jodi

Jackie's Stitches said...

Your sewing room looks really clean!

Love to have more info on the boxes. Can they be purchased online?

calamity kim said...

wow! You sure cleaned it up nice! Mine will not stay that way!!!!
Just came by to say hi and thanks for leaving me a comment! I love Smurfs! Always have and always will! When we were at the toy store they had a girl smurf who was dressed like an Indian and had a baby Smurf in her papoose- I had to call my 27 year old son (at FSU) to ask if he remembered any girl smurfs besides smurfette and he said no- so I am asking you- do you remember any other girl smurfs?
I keep thinking about that wee baby smurf- I think I am going back to the toy store....
let me know if you have any info on this most dire subject! teehee!
calamity kim

calamity kim said...

wow! You sure cleaned it up nice! Mine will not stay that way!!!!
Just came by to say hi and thanks for leaving me a comment! I love Smurfs! Always have and always will! When we were at the toy store they had a girl smurf who was dressed like an Indian and had a baby Smurf in her papoose- I had to call my 27 year old son (at FSU) to ask if he remembered any girl smurfs besides smurfette and he said no- so I am asking you- do you remember any other girl smurfs?
I keep thinking about that wee baby smurf- I think I am going back to the toy store....
let me know if you have any info on this most dire subject! teehee!
calamity kim

Swapna said...

Hi Joanna, I was a bit busy for some time, so was not able to blog hop as before... am glad to be back and catch up on everything..great job u did cleaning up the room...

Janellybelly said...

Hi Joanna
Glad you liked my sewing tins :) My Dad is a kiwi, so my NZ Nanna used to call me & my brother her Auski grandkids!
Janelle xx
Threads of Friendship
PS Good luck in the giveaway

Liz Harrell said...

Your quilt room is lovely!!!

Katie said...

Doesn't it make you feel good! :-)