Saturday, April 10, 2010

Clean up time

Every now and then (like you will see by clicking HERE) my quilt room gets to the point where I just can't stand the mess for one more day, and today was that day. I start off great, with it nice and clean, then as I do projects, it's easy to toss things to the side thinking that I'll put it away tomorrow...and of course tomorrow never comes. It had got pretty bad the last few weeks, and here I am, brave enough to show you before and after shots!

Before...(Why yes I did know that the quilt on the wall was crooked - it had fallen down one day and I couldn't reach over the mess to hang it up straight again!)
And after (ahhh the quilt is finally straight again!)


And after

Before....uuugh so awful...

And after

And finally, the actual sewing space...

And afterI did a lot of rearranging, and threw out A LOT of old stuff. I even emptied out the sewing machine desk drawers and did some serious purging. It feels great to have it done and I think I feel creative again!


Nedra said...

You have been working hard. I really need to clean out my sewing room also. Thanks for the inspiration. Next week for sure!

Lisa said...

Good for you! I want to come play! I cleaned my sewing room out recently, too. I even organized my vintage sheets by color. The fabric was done, but the sheets had sort of been procreating all over the floor. At least that's how I THINK I got so many... I couldn't have actually BOUGHT them all...

wishes, true and kind said...

Ah, so calm and orderly. Makes me want to sew!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Joanna, you want to come clean mine. I bought more containers today. Love seeing before and after shots. Thanks for sharing.

Karen said...

I have had the problem of having a piece hanging on an angle because I can't reach to hang back up the loose end. You did a good clean up job.

Anonymous said...

You did a terrific I know there is hope. Been working on mine for 2 weeks and believe there will be an end in sight.


Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

and then you came to my place!!!

Seriously, we ALL have sewing rooms like yours! My mum always said "you can't sew and be tidy -- you have to choose one or the other" I've often quoted my mum on this one and she is so right!!!

Enjoy your "sew tidy" space (another fun quote:- "my house was tidy last week.....sorry you missed it!"

Have fun!
Happy Sewing!

Anonymous said...

I know that feels good! I need to do the same...

Janet said...

That was a big job but look at what you got done. It's so tidy it would make me want to start something new. My room looks like your before shots.

antique quilter said...

You should be so proud of yourself, your room looks wonderful. I work so much better in a nice clean space....I find I am more creative and happier to be in here as well....
thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

It looks very inviting.
Have fun sewing


Gluten Free Store Ltd said...

Just one word... Beautiful!!! Mine is disgusting again unfortunately!!!

Brenda said...

Well, since you're obviously in the cleaning mood...I know of a little house on Burke that could use a little Spring cleaning, LOL!

Teresa said...

Thanks for sharing the before as well as the after - so inspiring. When I clean like that, it gets me all enthusiased to start another project and thus the topsy turvy begins again.

shellysquilts said...

Wow! That's a lot of work and your sewing room looks great! I hope you get to sew your brains out in there! Have a great week!

Meredith said...

Nothing like a clean sewing room. Have fun making it messy again. Right now mine is so messy I can't get any work done!

SO I'M Anna Fogg, an eclectic kinda gal said...

oh my gosh!! well my studio is almost done...I had my girlfriend's daughter over twice. She organized everything, totally - now I just need to purge like you. 75% of my mags, a box of old fabric, maybe 30 patterns....I want to own the stuff vs it owning me! Great job.

Raewyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Raewyn said...

Oops, I'll try again! Hi Joanna; your before and after shots are very impressive..well done! I have put a link on my blog for your needleturn tutorial...I hope that is Ok; if not please let me know. Many thanks from NZ :-)

Kelly said...

Wow you have been busy! Your room looks amazing!! I desperately need to tidy and sort my stash, but I keep getting distracted!

Barb said...

Hi -
so funny! I'm in this place right now - messy messy sewing room and no time to pick up - just working though it at the moment

Unknown said...

Olá Joana! Como sempre tudo muito lindo por aqui! Amiga vem me visitar também.

Joanne said...

LOL !! Been there myself recently. Your sewing room looks great now! Enjoy !