Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jacob's Coat

Last week I actually managed to finish something which has been somewhat of a rarity around here this year. Back here and here I showed you the version of Jacob's Coat I was working on. Finally it is done and hanging on the wall!
It's not perfect - you are not allowed to look too closely at the points in the middle of the circles! Hey don't purposely look now that I mentioned it!

This is a quilt for which I use the famous quilters' saying, "If you can't see it from a galloping horse then don't worry about it"!

If you look at the back, you can see how I quilted the appliques - I just followed the basic petal shape, then outline quilted the rest.

I chose to paint the frame a fun bright green, and it couldn't have all come together more easily.I highly recommend using these frames for when you feel like a different way to display your quilts. It eliminates the need for binding - just some elastic on the raw edge helps keep the quilt in check...
I noticed once I put this latest quilt up, that I am running out of wall space for quilts in my living room!

Must be time to start on our bedroom...


Retrogirl said...

Lovely applique, adore your choice of fabrics!!

Nedra said...

I think you did a beautiful job, and it looks perfect from here.

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Who needs perfect? I love it and think it looks great. You did a beautiful job framing it....it looks very nice on your wall.

Thanks for sharing :)


Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Fabulous Jacobs Coat, I love the finished oval shape too. xo

Oops-Lah said...

It's fabulous and it looks so great the way you've displayed it. I'm still plugging away an mine.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Beautiful Joanna! Love how you quilted and framed it.
I'm still plugging away - nineteen blocks finished - thirty to go!

Miriam said...

I love the background fabric you chose! It sets off those bright colours beautifully!
Love the green frame! :)

Raewyn said...

Fabulous Joanna, the colours are brilliant, and I love how you've finished it. Ka Pai!!

Joanne said...

Love it !!!! Everything about it ... flaws that only you see and all make it a gorgeous piece.

antique quilter said...

love the grey color you chose for the background
it looks great especially in that frame.

Elzaan said...

Very cute quilt! Very nice colour choice.
I am crazy about the idea of the frame.

Cyrielle Lemeunier said...

wouah wouah wouah !!!! J'adooooooooore, c'est superbe !!!! Incroyable comme c'est beau. J'adore ce motif, je compte bien le réaliser un jour quand j'aurai plus de temps. et la finition est vraiment originale !

Wouah wouah wouah (I think "wouah" is an universal word LOL) !!!! I looooooooooove it, it's wonderful !!!! Incredible beauty. I love this motif, I would like to do one one day when I have more time. And the finish is very original !

em's scrapbag said...

I think it's fabulous! And as a wise lady once told me. My quilts are like my husband, perfect with lots of character.

Shelina said...

It is beautiful! And what a wonderful idea for framing it. You could rotate your quilts, or work your way to rooms that don't have as many, like the bathroom and the kitchen!

Monet said...

Wow...that is so beautiful, Joanna.

Teresa said...

You really did a nice job on the quilt and I love the way you framed it. I might have to try that too. (Seems like I am always copying you, lol, I do have an original thought now and then.)

beth said...

you Josephs coat looks perfect from here. Good luck finding more wall space! I'm having the same issue. ;/

Dolly said...

i've spent a fun 30 minutes or so reading through lots of your post. Now I must become a follower.......I like your style, and need a reminder to make myself some of your stick-trees.
I just love your little wall of mini quilts.......and your quilts, period. Your posts are fun.
I stumbled across your blog when I saw it in the sidebar of someone's blog while reading their quilt festival post. Glad I found you !

SO I'M Anna Fogg, an eclectic kinda gal said...

....and look how nice it is next to that pineapple log cabin...girl, your eye for color is almost as good as mine!! LOL.
Love your work more each day, ~a

Nanette Merrill said...

It is absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I am brand new to your blog and I love it!! While you have a different taste in fabrics than myself, I absolutely love your creativity and how you put your fabrics all together! You are very talented and a true artist!! I like your Jacob's Coat quilt-- it is very pretty. And I love how you have your own wall with your creations--awesome!!!
I will be back,
Beverly in WA state

XUE said...

It's gorgeous & the fabric choice, beautiful! So are the others that's hanging on the wall too! Warm wishes from Tokyo.