Monday, August 27, 2007

Paint finished!

Finally I have the orange room done done DONE! And I love it. And my husband really really loves it! I think it will be rather shocking to some visitors to my home, but hey it's my home, right?!

I must say though, it rather feels like you are sitting inside either a very ripe cantalope, a pumpkin, or a bubble mailer envelope! But it will be the most theme-appropriate room come Halloween!

Now my mind is spinning trying to think of the perfect quilt to make for the walls. I haven't made one with orange as the predominant color before, and I am getting quite excited at the prospect. Also on the agenda are curtains. I gave away the old ones - thanks to the Craigslist 'free' section (you would not believe how many people wanted those ugly things!) - which were cafe style, lacy, and white with baby blue. Yes you can tell why they would not work in this room!

Also, just to get something quilty happening in this post, above are some photos of one of my project boxes. I keep each quilt project I am working on in a separate container, and this one just has the most glorious array of colors. I get happy just by opening it! It is for a quilt which my dear friend Anna has designed and I have made a sample of it to test the pattern for her - you can get an idea of the colors I used just by looking in my project box.


  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog, Joanna, and for our kind comments! Always great to hear from another Kiwi, especially a quilter. May I sugget that you consider joining some webrings (see my blog - Art ful Quilters would be a good one)to get traffic to your blog.

    Love the room colours - and that next quilt project looks exciting if the fabric is anything to go by.

  2. Welcome to the ring... My bedroom is dark purple too. Not as blue as eggplant, but as dark.

  3. Ooooh, I love the orange. It's just the shade that I have been craving lately. Lots of eye candy on your blog, I will see you again!

  4. That project box is like eye candy- yum!! Oh- another purple bedroom gal here! mine is purple, as is my daughters, and our guest room is silver and purple.
