Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another oldie

I'm really digging into the vault this week....but I suppose even though my quilts are old to me, they are new to you, so that's how I justify it to myself!
Tonight I'm showing you my Be Thankful quilt, (complete with my wonderful MIL's feet!) a quilt I made in a class back in 2004 at the Utah Annual Meeting event. It is a Pat Sloan pattern and though I love the more country/prim colors of the original, I just had to do something different and wow was it ever different! It is a mostly appliqued quilt, but I used the freezer paper/machine applique method - this was when I was still in the, "Oh no, I could never do needleturn" phase. But if you put your mind to it, anything is possible!

Below is a photo of the blocks in progress while in the class...

Here is a photo of some of the other fabrics being used by others in the class, along with the samples from the teacher...I wish I could have seen the finished red and yellow quilt with the above blocks - I think it would have been beautiful.


  1. Applique on top of patchwork--bold and spirited.

  2. Beautiful! Even if it's an "old" quilt, as you said it's new for us... and I love it!

  3. I love the quilt and your hair you must do that more often....so glad you stopped in...best, Jennifer

  4. I love it in blue. what a twist!
