Monday, October 22, 2007

Fall and PIF friends

Fall has arrived here in NH, and this year is just glorious - it has been very warm and the show of color has been late coming, but wow it has come with a vengence! Right now everywhere you look it is orange, red, and yellow. Did I mention it is gorgeous yet?!! We went for a drive yesterday and had a picnic in the middle of all the gorgeousness (is there such a word?!). This is definitely the place to be at this time of year!

This is our house and some of the trees surrounding it...

This is the spot where we had our picnic yesterday...

And I suppose I should mention that the Red Sox are going to the World Series! I, not being a sports fanatic, or even American, didn't realise the enormity of this until I watched the whole of Boston celebrating late into the night on TV last night. My husband assures me that it is quite an exciting thing, so I'll believe him, and add the obligitory...GO RED SOX!

I have my 3 PIF's! Yay! The first two posted here on my blog, and the third was pretty much decided for me over the weekend. My daughter had a play date at a new friend's house on Friday after school. I hung out with the mother, and we got talking about our hobbies, mine being quilting of course, and hers, which is beading. She pulled out trays of the most beautiful home made beaded jewellery I have ever seen! She used to sell it, but hasn't really done anything with it for over a year now. I was admiring it and before I knew it she forced (!) it on me! Despite my protests (I mean this stuff isn't cheap - she uses real gems, silver and gold, not plastic!) I came home with a gorgeous necklace and earrings set, a beautiful watch, and several pairs of Winter themed earings. She had nothing to gain by doing this - she did it purely to make someone else happy, and that to me is what PIF is all about!

So like I said, my 3rd PIF friend has been decided! Even though she has already done her part, I will do something for her using my skills.

The other 2 PIF friends are Flip Flop Mom (Terri)- check out her site, here - she has the most GORGEOUS photos of the Fall foliage happening here in NH right now.

And also, Donna, who I don't know too well yet, but I'm sure that through the PIF process we will get to know heaps about each other


  1. What a sweet lady!

    The jewelry is beautiful! And you know no one else has it=)

    And I am not to happy about those Red Sox winning (I am not a sports fan wither...I was only for the playoffs!!)

    But our Indians tried really hard!

  2. I love photos of fall. We don't get much changing of weather around here (in fact, it's still in the mid 80s here) so every chance I get to realize there is life outside Vegas I relish!

    Did you get to watch the Sox game last night? A good one!
