Saturday, October 13, 2007

School Fair

We spent the day at my daughter's school - they were having their annual Fall Festival. I was going to have a table and sell some stuff - see the photos! Now this week has been insanely busy for me and I didn't really start to seriously make things until last night at 7pm. At 3am this morning I finally was done, and had made everything you see here. You must click on the photos so you can see them up close and really 'see' them!

But my hubby and I both agreed that it just wasn't enough stuff! If only I had started earlier - as in weeks ago lol! But the deal breaker was that I would have had the kids with me, and manning a table at a school fair and trying to keep 3 little kids in check just was not happening. Plus I fell in love with the things I had made and couldn't stand to part with them! It's the age old problem with us quilters. So I decided to not do the table and just enjoy the fair with the kids. So I now have a bunch of quilts in frames to decorate my home for the Fall!

And onto REALLY exciting news - you might have seen me mention once or twice or a dozen times, the quilt I was making to be raffled at the Fair. Well guess what? I won it!! Yippee! Another thing I couldn't part with, so I bought enough tickets to pretty much ensure I'd win! This is a photo of it hanging at the fair - actually completely done - I had even sewn on a label with care instructions. At least now I'll always know how to wash it:)

So it was a pretty successful day. I got to enjoy the fair with my kids, and I came home with the same thing I took. Just a little (OK, a lot) less money!


  1. Lordy that's a pretty thing!!

  2. I love the framed pumpkins! I would have bought them if I had been at the school fair.

    Thanks for visiting my blog...when I was in Provo I was pregnant with Henry...the smells in the facility were bothering me a lot! But, I made it with out loosing it! It's wonderful being a I'm sure you know.

  3. I especially like the tall skinny pumpkings -- cute!
