Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving our way...

Well today is a big non-event for us. My hubby is working, and well, nothing much is open, so the kids and I are huddled up in our warm little house watching movies! Home Alone 3 is done, now onto Edward Scissorhands. (My 4 son by the way, has decided on something he wants to collect....scissors. Oh yes, this will be fun.)

But don't feel too sorry for us - we did our Thanksgiving yesterday! We went out to lunch at a restaurant then went to the store and bought yummy things to make for dinner. For the first time since I've been in the States we didn't have a traditional turkey dinner. I don't really like turkey that much anyway, and hubby would rather have a good steak so we did it 'our' way! We ended up having the most delicious meal of rib eye steak, shrimp scampi, veges, and pretzel sticks just like Aunty Anne's - you know, the place in every mall?!! I have watched them make them, asked questions, and experimented, and have come up with something exactly like theirs! But maybe even better! I did take photos of the whole dinner but my camera decided to not work for a while and my hubby's camera won't show the photos on my memory stick. So no photos of our dinner! But trust me, it was great and we were very thankful for it in the spirit of the season and all :)

So today I have some photos of some things from the last week that I am thankful for...

A sweet, obedient and kind daughter...

The three handsome and loving men in my life...
A front yard full of leaves and kids to jump and play in them...
And a backyard with snow just begging to be made into a snowman!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving. What a wonderful family. I'm grateful for my family, too. And you can eat anything you like on Thanksgiving, as the old saying goes "it's the thought that counts."

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