Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cupcake Fever

A friend emailed me and said I was 9 days behind on my blog - wow I have let time go by too quickly! My excuse is that my hubby has been on vacation and I've just been staring into his green eyes and forgetting about everything else - OK I've just been lazy :) But hubby really has been on vacation and last night we even got to go out alone. Without kids. You get the point! But we were given the best compliment we've ever had by our waiter. He asked if we were newlyweds - we laughed and said no - married for 8 years and we have 3 kids - to which he replied, "Well you were just staring at each other so lovingly and look so happy that I thought for sure you must be newlyweds"! Yes he got a nice big tip. We also had a fantastic view - a river flows right past the restaurant and though it was half frozen - we are in New Hampshire remember - it was still a lovely place to eat dinner. And the food was delicious, though I don't quite remember it because of all the 'staring' going on hehe!
I have actually had time to applique this week. I decided to jump on the cupcake bandwagon - I mean, really, who can resist cupcakes?! I drew out some cupcake shapes and settled on a pretty generic one, but have drawn out several different types of dripping frosting. It's so much fun! I have yet to quilt them but you will see the beginnings of a couple of them at least. I also am going to make some Fimo cherries to put on top and make them nice and shiny. Gotta have a cherry on top, right?!


  1. Those cupcakes are sooo cute! and YES you got to have a cherry!

  2. Your cupcakes are great! What a yummy quilt.
