Monday, February 4, 2008

Even 7 year olds can quilt!

My daughter has their 100th day of school celebration coming up this Friday. They have been instructed to make something with 100 objects. The other children are making things with sugarcubes, toothpicks, straws, you name it! But not my girl - oh no, she wanted to make something with 100 squares of fabric. Yay I have trained her correctly!!

A friend of mine had given Sofia a bunch of fabric scraps on Friday, so Sofia picked the ones she wanted to use for her little quilt and I cut them out for her. 100 2 inch squares. We decided to make a little doll quilt, and on Saturday night she lined up her squares in front of my machine and together we sewed the first row. I taught her how to line up the edges just so, and she sat on my knee and did the actual sewing. You will notice how nice and straight that first row is :) Then I showed her how to start with the 2nd fabric for the 2nd row, and so on. Then I left her by herself and came upstairs. About an hour later she came up with 10 rows of squares sewn together! I must say, I was mightily impressed - yes the rows are crooked, and yes she messed up a bit with the order of the fabrics, but I think it's just darling and we are going to sew it all together as is! I should also mention that she did all of that sewing on my Juki 98Q which is not an ordinary domestic machine - it is one fast beast!

I will have updated pics as the work progresses. Tonight she irons the rows and sews them together. This will be interesting!


  1. Sofia, you did a marvelous job. My granddaughter is 6 and wants to come stay this summer and "go sewing" as she says... I can't wait!!

  2. She looks like the happiest little girl on earth! I love her smile. Tell her she has done an amazing job! Can't wait for the results!

  3. My compliments to your daughter - good job! I have been looking at Juki's...are you satisfied with yours? Do you use it mostly for machine quilting?

  4. What a great idea. She has the most wonderful grin. I love it.
