Saturday, February 23, 2008

New Fabric

This week I braved the quilt shop with my 2 boys. This is the reason I don't go to the quilt shop very often! I was in and out within 5 minutes, not nearly long enough, but long enough to get some yummy fabric.

It's the Moda Daydreams line by Deb Strain - you can see the whole line here. Just gorgeous. I am particularly in love with the wallpaper prints. I want to make a bag with these. A nice big one that I can take to church with my piano music, snacks for the kids, activities/books etc. So really, it must be big!

Also, I thought you'd like to see what happened in our bathroom yesterday...
Can you see the chunk out of the front? There is another one at the top. And can you see the scissors and hair in the background?

I know, hilarious, but it gets hubby later said, "I think I just realized what happened". Our son had noticed hubby's receding hairline and said, "Daddy you need some more hair there". Then he disappeared and well, you know the rest!


  1. LOL! You can't blame him for wanting to help out, can you!

  2. I think every kid gets a pair of scissors to their hair at some point. I actually tried it on my sister's hair!!!
    Love the fabric!

  3. Reminds me of the time my son, now 30 years old, cut away all the hair on the sides ...he wanted a haircut like his daddys! Only problem - his fathers was a receding hair line, LOL.

  4. Ohhhh he cut his hair. Its what most kids do at some point and moms hate. The worst for me was when I had all my little girls with long brown hair and I found huge patches of long brown hair on the floor and couldn't figure out which one did it!! It ended up being one I didn't even suspect. She went under her hair and cut underneath hair. Strange and she should have known better.

    I like the fabric. I must admit I don't like some of the butterflys in the line but I do really really like the wallpaper prints. Nice.

  5. ROFL!! I did the same thing to my hair when I was about that age! I cut my bangs on my own. Only problem was that I cut too short and my bangs stood straight up! I had to go around with my bangs like that until they grew out. Totally hilarious!

    I love your quilts! I think your daughter did a wonderful job on hers! What a wonderful idea to do 100 squares in a quilt top for the class! We did 100 marshmallows on a picture of clouds (original huh?) LOL 2 years ago, and then pinto beans in another picture.

  6. awww too cute! Reminds me of when my middle son was about 5. For a few days I kept thinking that there was something really different about him, but I couldn't put a finger on it. Then one night when I went to wash his hair at bathtime I felt the telltale bristles at the front of his head where his hair had finally decided to grow back in. He had cut off all of his forlock right down to the roots straight across the front of his head. DOH! He has always been creative. Love the fabrics! Perfect for a church bag I'd say!

  7. Joanna, Deb Strain?!?! REmember I told you that I was making this wall quilt for behind my new sofa? What do you think the main print is??? WELL? It is that teal blue you have right there on the top of that pile! Of course, you know our history, and I am going to throw in the pink of that piece. I ordered a whole goo-gob of wallpaper prints one day from Fat Quarter Shop one day when I was feeling lucky. $100 later, I was a happy gal.
    Talk soon. ~anna

  8. Way to go, Coleman. I hope that's all the help your daddy ever needs. Jo, I was in Broadbent's today and they have a whole shelf of the greatest bags--made with very similar prints--you know, the kinds I have no idea how to use. I can't wait to see the results. I love how you use fabric.
