Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Already?

I hope you all had a great weekend and that you got spoilt rotten by the Easter Bunny! We actually managed to not go overboard this year. One bag of chocolate kisses and 9 quarters was all it took to make our kiddies happy. Their Easter egg hunt was the highlight of their day, and the highlight of mine was asking my 3 year old - who barely speaks and has speech therapy twice a week - what he learnt in his class in church today, and he responded, "I learnt about Jesus"! So hopefully the real meaning of Easter got in the kids heads this weekend.

We had Hot Cross Buns for breakfast - I know, a couple of days late, but sometimes you just do the best you can when you can!(You WILL want to click on this photo so you can salivate even more!)
And then here are some pictures of the egg hunt which were too cute not to share.

Isn't that last pic adorable?! He's holding his two favorite things - chocolate and money. It would make me happy too!
And I did get the cherries made for the cupcakes and was about to sew them on and take photos when one of the kids - they refuse to tell me which one - broke all the stems on the Fimo cherries I had so carefully made! So another round of cherries tomorrow and I promise photos are coming. Geesh I hope it is worth the wait LOL!


  1. The hot cross buns look so good! Your kids are so cute! They look just like you. We had a great time today at my house too. Happy Easter!

  2. You have such a sweet looking family and it is obvious you are a great mom. Keep up the good work!

  3. Mmmm...delicious looking hot cross buns!! Your kids are so sweet! You have a lovely family. I wish I had had some youngsters around our cottage to spoil yesterday, even Zac next door was gone away for the weekend!

  4. Aw so much fun. What a great Easter. The hot cross buns look devine. You can see the spirit of life and Christ in their little faces. Sweet.

  5. OK the hot cross buns look delicious! Your children are so gorgeous! I love all your sewing you have done, the boys room looks fantastic! You have a knack! I love your bag you made what pattern did you use? what church do you go to is it in Nashua? I am off exit 1 spitbrook rd...

  6. thank you, my turtle is 30 year old. Your children are very beautiful and nice. I dont speak english.Saludos ane.
