Friday, March 7, 2008

Where is Spring?

I was looking through my photos just now and found these beauties that I took last Spring. The tree picture is a house round the corner from us, and the daff's are in the roundabout at my daughter's school.

Now I am looking outside and can see the half-melted dirty snow and am wondering if the neighborhood would ever look like this again?! Roll on Spring.


  1. I think daffodils are my fave flower. They are blooming in our yard and my husband picks some daily to bring in the house. Hope you see yours soon!

  2. We're having the storm to end all storms over here right now. AS I type the wind is raging and the rain is a fallin in torrents. Spring seems quite far away, but I know it is here from all the daffs that are blooming and the greening of the trees!
