Friday, April 18, 2008

Flower applique number 2

First of all, did anyone notice the new theme on my blog? I get bored with my surroundings easily - I'm always re-arranging furniture and wanting to paint and re-paint, so it's only natural that I would feel the same way about my blog!

I have had a major thing lately for red and aqua together, so when I saw this background I knew it was time for a change! This is the place I get backgrounds - it's easy to do, and best of all, free!

Onto the business of applique..

This is the second block in my flower patch...
And this is what they will end up in...
I found 2 of these doors on the side of the road, so I asked the owner if I could take them, and she was a bit bewildered as to why I would even want them, but she said yes! I could see massive potential in them. I may put photos in the other one. They need a good cleaning and maybe a fresh coat of paint...I'm still deciding on a color. Any ideas?! I was thinking teal, the same paint from my boys' room, (which is much more teal and not so blue in real life) but now that I see the blocks behind glass, I rather like the shabby look of the original. Still needs a good cleaning though!

This weekend is going to be a great one...tonight I am going to a friend's jewelry party - she makes everything herself. She is so talented! And tomorrow I am off to a quilt show (which I said was last week but I was a week early!) so I'm sure I'll have some goodies to show you soon :)


  1. Love the applique' and the door idea is great! Can't wait to see the finished piece.

  2. I would not touch the paint on those adorable doors/windowpanes. Shappy chic. Truly. And what a great idea to make the door look like stained glass with appliqued blocks! Fabulous.

  3. I did notice the new theme yesterday and forgot to mention it when I commented. It's great! Very "you". I think the door idea sounds fantastic and I love what you have done so far with your flower block!

  4. your new background is great and i love the doors! what a find!

  5. Love the applique, and the idea of using the glass inserts in doors. I may have to steal that idea...if I can only find some doors!

  6. I love the idea of using your appliqued flowers with the doors! Beautiful and so clever!
