Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Look at this!

Just a quick note as it is late and I am tired, but you MUST go here and leave a comment so you can win Camille's wonderful quilt pictured above! Not fabric, not a kit, but an actual finished, as in done DONE quilt! And it is a beauty - you WILL want to win this! She is so nice to give it away. There is going to be one lucky person in blog land!

Plus if you add it to your own blog, you get extra entries, and if you say I sent you, I get an extra entry! Hmmmm maybe I shouldn't be spreading this around - it gives me less chances to win, but I love you ladies (and maybe the ocassional male??) that visit me here!!


  1. Joanna, looks like Camille's site is looked with 112 comments!! What to do?

  2. Isn't it beautiful. I can't believe she's giving it away. I'm so glad I found your blog. I'm trying to learn to applique. I appreciate the prep tutorial. I may just get the courage to give it a try again. I'll be back!

  3. That is one beautiful quilt! Whoever wins that will be a very lucky person!

  4. Wow I love the tutorial. I have such trouble with points and fraying of the fabric when I reach that area. Sad to say I have been either doing no applique at all since or just by machine when necessary. I will give your tutorial method a shot now though.
