Monday, August 18, 2008

New Friend!

Today was a great day. I got to meet Brenda and hand over her prize. But I'm the one who really won a prize, as in a new friend - Brenda is great! We got on like a house on fire. We could have sat in the library (where we met with our kids) and talked for hours and hours. Alas we had real lives to get back to, but we will be meeting up again soon, that's for sure. That is two bloggy friends I've visited with since Friday - Brenda and Stacy - hey anyone else want to meet up.... I could go for a record lol!!


  1. Plane flight on you?!? Just kidding. Had only I lived closer, I'd think nothing to drop by the library with the kids and chat it up a while.

  2. I'd love to meet up!! Plan on being in the Seattle area anytime soon? :) I could really use some one on one applique lessons!!!

  3. That is so neat. I haven't met any fellow bloggers yet.

  4. Do I get a special prize because I know you allready in person, and it was before the whole blogging phenomenon took us by storm? I do feel special, You've got quite a following! And I will vouch for you, any one who would like to meet Joanna in person should do it, she is one heck of a nice lady!

  5. How fun to meet someone you have come to know already through blogging. If you are ever in South Carolina, let me know!

  6. Meet me! Meet me! I'm in Dover, NH. Then you'll be up to three bloggers.

  7. Next time your in Utah let me know. Would love to met you. You are a dear blogger friend. Have a great day! Em

  8. Do the, at least, two you met while in Utah, this Summer, count??? You're my only bloggy friend that I've met in person, but I did find a quilty blogger whose niece is married to my son-in-law's cousin.
    Congrats to Brenda;)

  9. She looks so nice and you have those grins on your faces meaning you were having fun. Nice!

  10. You have a little something waiting on my blog for you...
    Go take a look...

  11. how far are you willing to travel?

  12. How fun!
    You must have a great library to keep the kids happy so that you could visit! LOL
    Give all the kids a hug from Auntie Cathie in UT!

  13. It must have been great to get to meet up, I dont know of any one who quilts up my way, mostly people who x-stitch

  14. I am always suprised to find other bloggers in Utah.
    Let me know when you are having a big get together.

  15. I have a surprise for you on my blog today. Come See! You deserve it, too!

  16. Love your blog...Congrats on winning the fabric...How nice.
    I love applique too...I do hand applique mostly, but also do machine applique.
    In Ireland
