Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sewing and winning

What a great week I've had. I won a blog giveaway at Karen Gray Design, 34 fat eighths of Katie Jump Rope fabrics! I hadn't jumped on the Katie Jump Rope bandwagon, at least I didn't think I had, until I looked through my stash last night and found 5 fat quarters. I suppose I had jumped on it, only I didn't know it!
So last night I was sewing my little heart out in my quilt room. It was about 10pm and the thought came to me to go check the mail. Yes at 10pm. So out I go, in the rain, and it was well worth the trip in the rain. Karen had sent the fabrics and they had arrived!! I can't tell you how excited I was. I clutched that package and ran to my quilt room, opened it and took photos of the whole process of course! Karen's packaging was just so lovely and it was truly like opening a present at Christmas! I love her stickers and business cards. Thank you SO MUCH Karen!

I have grand plans for these fabrics. I've been inspired by this and this. Thanks girls!

Now, I must tell you that the day after I won Karen's giveaway, I won another one! Yes when it rains it pours :) Elizabeth, The Late Bloomer, had a giveaway, and thanks to a lucky guinea pig, I won!! I had so much fun choosing a pattern. Elizabeth has some beautiful ones.
I decided to go with something I might actually get done in a day. I'll show you what I chose when it arrives...

Now, onto actual sewing. I have actually dusted off my machine, and as you saw in my before and after photos in previous posts, even swept away the literal cobwebs from my poor machine. She is much happier now. Well you would be too if you had cobwebs swept off you! These are some (mostly unfinished)things I'm working on for our school's craft fair coming up in December...
Ornaments will be cut out of this...

No the girl won't be for sale, but the craft apron with pockets will be...

Our PTO president, who happens to be my neighbor, asked me if I wanted a table. I said sure, why not. So now I have to think of things to sell. I have a few ideas in my head and if I buckle down I might actually have things to sell. It's a fine line between making quality things that take a lot of time to make, hence needing a higher price-tag, and making faster things that can be sold cheaply. We don't live in the poor part of town, but we definitely don't live in the rich part either! The customers will be normal average Moms looking for something lovely but affordable. Just like me! If you have any great ideas, PLEASE feel free to let me know!

The best part of all this is that I KNOW I will have quilty things to blog about for the next few weeks:)

Oh, before I go, I must show you a couple of pics from Halloween. It was a perfect night here in New Hampshire. People were sitting on lawn chairs in their front yards handing out the candy. Most had tables with food and drinks - it was just a big party around here! We have the best neighbors - don't you wish your neighbors looked like this? As for me, we had a Halloween party at church the night before Halloween and this was my costume. I was dressed in red head to toe - even my shoes and bag. Can you guess what I was?! And no, I didn't go as myself when I wake up in the morning....


  1. Congtratulations on winning 2 give aways! Lucky girl! I love the fabrics too.

  2. Congrats on the wonderful win!!! Lucky you! I had to giggle at the last picture!! That's so funny!

  3. Tomato? Strawberry? Red fabric!!!???

    Love the katie jumprope - you lucky girl! And winning Latebloomer too! Jealous, so jealous!

    That apron is darling.

  4. I have a couple FQ's of that fabric too and just love it. Congratulations on your fantastic win. I have gotten a little behind in my blog reading and read your post before this one about feeling guilty - never should you feel that way. I enjoy reading about the goings on in your family, helps us all to get to know each other better.

  5. Oh you lucky girl you!!! Look at all that fabric!!!! All you have to do is get some holiday fabric and whip up anything!!! zipper pouches, tissue holders, aprons!!!
