Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving done easy

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I hope it was as lazy and easy as mine. Just to give you a clue to how wonderfully relaxed it was, I am STILL, at 8.30 at night, in my PJ's. The same ones I wore to bed last night. Is that bad??!

It started off with waffles for breakfast. My hubby wins 'perk' points at his work which we can exchange for goods online. With this latest lot of perk points we decided to get a waffle maker, perfume for each of us, and an animatronic lion for our son's birthday on Sunday. The box full of goodies arrived yesterday, and we could hardly wait to use the waffle maker this morning.It's one of those fancy schmancy ones (we are NOT fancy schmancy people!) that rotates - you know, just like the ones you make for breakfast when you stay in a hotel, and I swear, I don't know how we lived without it! They were so delicious and such a nice start to our Thanksgiving day.We then sat to watch the Macy's Parade on TV. The kids got bored with that pretty quickly, so they grabbed some books and read to each other. It was just so cute I had to sneak a photo...And this next one was when they saw the Hello Kitty balloon at the parade...
Then I think hubby and I napped in the living room on and off. Don't ask me what the kids did - but the house was still standing at least! Can you tell I wasn't in any hurry to make Thanksgiving dinner? I had heard somewhere that the correct time to have your Thanksgiving dinner was 2.30. Now remember, I'm not American and didn't grown up with this strange holiday, so how would I know the 'correct' time?! But it sounded good so that's what I thought I'd aim for.

Finally, around 11 I put the still half-frozen turkey in the oven, and went and played in my quilt room for a couple of hours. I am making my daughter, Sofia, a doll for her birthday which happens to be tomorrow. Yes it is a busy week for us!

Around 1.30 I started the rest of the dinner - and somehow, we were actually eating at 2.30. Still in my PJ's. I guess 2.30 really IS the correct time! The turkey was perfectly cooked - I might do that half-frozen thing again next year lol! The highlight for me was the asparagus. I did it Pioneer Woman style, and I swear it was the best way I've ever had the stuff! Delicious, and so super easy.

So here's a picture of us about to begin... Now do you notice how laid back we were?! Sofia still her her PJ's, no tablecloth or placemats, or centerpiece. This was just about the food!
And notice the papers taped all over the walls? Sofia had written out, "I am thankful for..." on papers in the morning, and asked us all to name something. I thought they would make great wall decorations for a few days.

But the best thing about today? It was the first time since we've been married that hubby hasn't had to work. Usually we've had to delay the dinner, and sometimes even done it on a different day, but it was just lovely to have him around and have a real Thanksgiving. The only way it could have been better is if we were closer to family and friends, his and mine. So here I am, hubby is snoring next to me in bed, the kids are asleep, and I still have clothes to make for the above mentioned doll. We have had one excited girl here today.

Make sure you check back tomorrow as I will be posting a tutorial for Cotton Spice's "Last Minute Gift Countdown". One involves the red/white striped fabric I made in my last post :)


  1. Looks like a wonderful day to me. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. What a wonderful and stress free day you had. Take care.

  3. Looks like you had a great turkey day. I really enjoy getting together with family but one of my favorite Thanksgivings was when it was just hubby, kids and me. Just like you had today.

  4. What a nice Thanksgiving. It certainly should be laid back and relaxing. Good for you!

  5. What a lovely thanksgiving. So sweet. That waffle iron is something! I'm so jealous.

  6. I am sooooo far behind in my blog reading, Joanna! I wish I didn't have to get dressed on T-day! I love the color of the dining room walls!
