Thursday, January 29, 2009

Still sewing

I have had busy week (hubby has been home a lot with gall bladder problems - he's seeing a surgeon in 2 weeks - yay!) but part of being busy has been sewing. I have kept up with my goal, 28 days so far! Project Improv has inspired me so much. I have made more wonky log cabins, and more and more...I replaced a lot of my first ones. I fell into a log cabin groove and figured out how I wanted them to look, so of course that meant starting over with some of them.

I also started some 'string' blocks. I am loving these so much! This piece below will become a table runner... I am off to the fabric store today to get some solids for the borders, and there will be some applique somewhere on the borders. Not sure exactly what or where yet. Still thinking on that. I am excited to get some hand applique going again.

And this long strippy piece will become placemats. I have two of these long pieces.

I also decided to do some string blocks in colors that I just don't work with. Why not stretch myself??? Brenda (from Pumpkin Patch Primitives), you will like these colors a lot better lol!! The long red strips are felted wool. Still deciding which configuration to use, the 'X' or the square...

All of this sewing has meant I have been spending many hours in the basement in my quilt room. It gets pretty lonely down there sometimes, and I have a radio/cd/mp3 player my hubby bought me for Christmas, so I actually took it out of the box and started using it. After giving up on talk-back radio I went to the library and got a talking book on CD. I read all the Twilight books this summer, so I stuck with the whole Stephanie Myer theme and took out "The Host". That sucker is 24 hours long!! I am onto CD number 5 of about 20. Believe it or not, a science fiction/alien story can be good to quilt to:)


  1. Wow, you have been busy sewing!

  2. I like the look f the X and the square both will look great,

    I have never had a audio book before, i must amit i do need some background noise cant sit totally with nothing going on.

    Take care,

    Ouch your hubby must be in pain

  3. That's going to be a great looking table runner. So cheerful, bright and happy! Lovely!

    I also finished reading the Twilight books this Fall and then read The Host. Very interesting story. It really makes you stop and think. :-)

  4. Your runner and placemats are going to look great in your orange kitchen. You are an inspiration busy busy girl! Hope your hubby is feeling better soon. Good luck at the surgeons.

  5. Hey, wishing Hubby all the best. Love what you have been doing. You have been a busy wee Kiwi. I havent been near the sewing machine. Got rellies from Scotland over. It great, but itching to get back to it!!

  6. I love string quilts. You've been one busy lady!

  7. Oh Joanna, everything is so hot HOT H.O.T.!!! I love them all;) The square gets my vote, if you're asking...The colors are so not what I'm used to seeing you use, but are scrumpious;)

  8. I love your Project Improv quilts. You have a great way with color. I made my first try at a block today. It sure was fun.
    Thanks for sharing.

  9. Love those perky colors! They will go great with the orange walls in your kitchen!

  10. Wow, we'll have to send you to your room more often!!
    I love to listen to talking books while I sew too, either that or someone like Enya.

  11. Oh, are you making a quilt top for me? Now where would you put that not so bright block if not in my house? LOL! Oh, I love that you're doing the audiobooks thing...I'm a firm believer, Sandy got me hooked and now there's just no fun in crafting if there isn't something babbling in the background.
    LMK when I can come on over to learn how to make some real log cabin blocks...I don't know if I can face all that piecing but I have a pattern that I would love to tackle..."with a little help from my friends"...hahaha

  12. your blocks are simply delicious! love them. you have been sooo productive. i need to get cracking!

  13. Good ideas with the talks on tape! I have a hard time "watching" t.v. like other's do. Talks on tape just might be the thing. But I have to admit, most of the time, I just really like the silence. The wonky log cabin's are awesome! And the table runner and soon to be placemat's as well. I've been making some sort of wonky log cabin's. Will share soon. love the colors on your's!

  14. I love everything up on your design wall! The colors are so cheerful! What did you use for a foundation for your string blocks?

  15. great work.. and i love it that u r multi-tasking!!

  16. I love your string piecing! and hope hubby is better soon!

  17. Hi Joanna,
    I love all the colors of your fabrics, I especially love the picture in your header. We have family in Derry NH. Have you been to Keepsake Quilting...that's one of my goals.

  18. have been being very busy...I love your new projects and I am so jealous you are getting so much done!

  19. Well, you have a great sense of style! I like the kitchen! Too cool! I have been saying I was going to paint my kitchen orange for a year now. But since I did my red and aqua Improv block, I changed my mind and want to do that in my kitchen now.
    I posted about my fish block struggle on the Proj. Imp. Flickr page and had sent Jacquie a note about it. She suggested I check out your site and see if you had any ideas because you are an applique "expert" (direct quote). I may have it worked out now, though, so I won't ask for help quite yet. I am really glad she sent me here, because I just love your blog!

  20. Fascinating!!.....all the way from New Zealand......we're glad you're all of your quilty goodness. Wish I could remember how I got to your blog but it is now part of my favorites. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  21. Great fabrics & colors, it looks like fun.

  22. All the strippy pieces are great!
    I hope your husband's surgery goes well. I had my gall bladder out about 10 years ago. I thought that pain was worse than labor.

  23. still haven't been able to listen to books on tape I wind up stopping and just listening!
    Love listening to talk radio though!
    Love the bright string blocks...
    can't wait to see what you decided to make with those.

  24. still haven't been able to listen to books on tape I wind up stopping and just listening!
    Love listening to talk radio though!
    Love the bright string blocks...
    can't wait to see what you decided to make with those.
