Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Amazing Kaffe Fassett

Last week I received an email from a quilt shop in New Hampshire saying that Kaffe Fassett , who is only my favorite fabric designer in the world, was coming to NH to give a lecture. Then I saw that it was going to be in just a few days, and in the same city I live in, AND only about 1 mile away from where I live! Oh yes, I HAD to go! So I called up my friend Brenda and told her she was coming with me - something like this is much better shared with a friend.

So off we went last night and it was amazing! Another designer, Brandon Mably was also there, so it was a double treat. I have GOT to get my hands on some of his yummy fabrics!

The evening was really for the knitting community, since Kaffe and Brandon are both heavily involved in knitting, but there were a few of us quilters that were in attendance, to Kaffe's surprise and delight! There were only 60 of us there (yes I counted) so it felt very intimate. There was a display of Kaffe and Brandon's knitted sweaters, and a meet and greet for an hour beforehand. This lady is Beverly from Connecticut and she bought along the first bright quilt she's ever made, from Kaffe fabrics - isn't it wonderful?! It was like a mini show-and-tell!

Kaffe's lecture/slideshow was called "Kaleidoscope of Color" and I'd say it leaned heavily on the quilting side of color and design, which was just fine by me! He is so funny (and soooo tall!) and had some hilarious anecdotes to share with us. Brenda and I both came away completely inspired - me to keep quilting, and her to start knitting! Brenda is very much into prim/country quilts, (check out her website and you'll see what I mean) so for her to love his lecture is really saying something.

Now have a look at Brenda's top....Brandan and Kaffe both separately remarked on the gorgeous design and raved about it - it was so funny! Don't be surprised if it shows up in one of their future fabrics!

If you ever have the chance to attend a lecture or a class by either of these men, I'd say don't walk, RUN and just do it! Even if you're not into the brighter side of quilting, there is still a wealth of color information and just plain good fun to be had.


  1. Did Kaffe say if he does his own knitting or does he do just the design part?

  2. Lucky you! Did you take lots of notes on color from Kaffe's presentation? I'd so love to hear one of his lectures!

  3. You are so LUCKY! I met them at Market in Salt Lake City in 2002 and collect a lot of thier fabric. In fact my post last night was about Kaffe's Millefiori designs that I put into a quilt I made recently.

  4. I can't believe you got to meet him! How awesome! I would have been totally tongue tied. I get really star struck really easily. Very cool!!

  5. YEs, yes, I love his fabrics, too. Is he coming to Connecticut? How lucky you are.


  6. What a great night out. Looking forward to seeing what becomes of all the inspiration you received.

  7. Wouldn't you be a standout in the knitted coat! I love everything Kaffe. I would have loved to have seen these guys in Sydney when they were here but I thought $150 was a rip off from the shop organisers.

  8. What a lucky lady you are;) Good thing you found out in time to be able to go. The knitted jacket is beautiful.

  9. Well just looking at yours and Brendas smiles and sparkling eyes tells it all - a fun evening was had. I will have to keep an eye out for his lectures around here.

  10. OOohh I'm so envious...Kaffe AND Brandon, you are sooo lucky!!! I dream of meeting those two xo

  11. I'm envious too. That event must have really been below the radar to still be able to get tickets. They'd sell out in a flash here and I'm sure you'd find the odd quilting scalper too.
