Monday, May 4, 2009

Spring Break Trip Day 1

We are back from our trip to Maryland/DC and now that I am caught up on sleep I can do a coherent blog post!

We had a blast. My friend, Anna, and her family, were so welcoming to us and treated us so well. Anna let me sleep in every single day, something that hasn't happened for around 8 years (that would be how long I've had children) and that in itself was a treat!

I thought I'd show you our trip day by day, especially since my hubby has challenged me to a little competition - who can blog for 30 days straight. I know I can win this one. I do way more fun things than him.....though I do suspect he challenged me on purpose, just to make me blog more. He's sneaky like that.

OK, so we flew from NH to MD and arrived after a very short flight of 1 hr 10 mins at 10.30pm. Anna and just one of her 7 (yes, SEVEN) children met us. This was quite a momenteous occassion for her and I as we have never met in the flesh. 4+ years as friends online, and we finally got to meet. She was exactly as I thought she would be, just wonderful! And I was able to reassure my hubby (after he called me about 3 times that night) that she wasn't the Craigslist killer. Which is always a plus.

So this is Anna and I, having just met, standing on the curb at the airport...Isn't that fabulous?!! Something special to remember, that's for sure!

Then we drove to her home, about 1/2 hour away and I got to meet all her family, who were all completely charming! I wish I had more photos from that night, but hey, it was late, I was tired, and I was too excited to take photos:)

The next day was Saturday and Anna had a full day planned for us.
We were going to a scrapbooking crop at her friend Kat's place, then going to a musical recital that one of her children was in. Talk about being thrown into the thick of things - I loved it!

Scrappers, like quilters, are fabulous folk, and these ladies certainly lived up to that. There was a lovely spread of food to eat, and a lot of lively conversation. I especially enjoyed hearing tales from 2 ladies who work for the Federal Government - just fascinating!

Anyway, I didn't have anything to scrap, so I did some applique instead. Anna and I have started to make some baskets for a super duper top secret project we are working on....OK I'll let you have a sneak peak....And more of the crop...Anna has the BEST jewelry! This is her TJ Lane thimble and thimble cage - this is not cheap stuff!

After the crop it was time to head to the recital. It was a group called "Maryland Sings" and they did a very professional performance of Broadway songs. There is some true talent in that group for sure. Anna's daughter was fantastic...
So that was day 1. Tomorrow, Day 2!


  1. How fun that you are posting a day by day of your trip! Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful trip. Aren't quilting friends THE BEST.

  3. Hooray! you're back! Woo-HOO!

  4. Hi J, I was beginning to wonder if you had were having so much fun that you forgot all about us-lol. Looks like you guys had a blast! Can't wait to see and hear more;)

  5. Hi Joanna... you really had a great time ..
    YOu've been TAGGED!!!!!

  6. Hey lady! I was surprised to hear from you! I will send you pictures if you send my your email via my blog (I won't publish it)

    KateB (a/k/a/ Kat your new MD friend)

  7. Holy Cow. I'm jealous. What a lovely friend and to meet after 4 years!!! Amazing. Good for you.
