Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Vermont Quilt Festival

I know I am way behind the game with this post, but I have to catch up somehow, right?! Way back last month was the Vermont Quilt Festival and my buddy Brenda invited me to go along with her. I had been sick as a dog the day leading up to it, and the day of, I convinced myself that I wasn't really that sick and I would be just fine. Oh boy was I wrong. You know that kind of sickness when you are hot and cold, and you skin is sensitive to the touch, and nice and clammy, and your head is just spinning and you everything is going in slow motion? Yes, that was me. And the next day I completely lost my voice to the point that when I called people I knew, they had no idea who I was or what I was saying!

However, the Quilt Festival was marvellous, with great vendors and quilts to see. I managed to spend a few dollars - much restraint was used. I could have easily spent hundreds, but I think my grand total was less than $40. Shocking I know.

Here are my goodies... I bought some fabric, wool, ric rac, a huge button, applique needles, and my ever-faithful Roxanne's Glue Baste-It which is as rare as hen's teeth around here, so when I see it I grab it!

A highlight of the day was a chance meeting with UpStateLisa. She walked by while I was sitting down resting my achy body and I had a feeling I recognized her, so what does one do but run up to a stranger and ask them if they are who you think they are?! Luckily I was spot on with my guess, and she was ever so lovely and excited! We had a great chat and I even managed not to faint with my head spinning in a sickness-induced haze:) We will meet again, Lisa, I'm sure, and I will be much more charming, I promise!

And a huge thank you to Brenda for dragging me along and driving there and back and buying me dinner. You are the best ;) BTW Brenda just got new flooring put in over at the Pumpkin Patch and it is awesome! I'm sure she'll blog about it soon...hint hint...


  1. Lucky you to attend a quilt festival but NOT so lucky you to be feeling blecky.
    I know that the new goodies you found will be put to great projects in the future unlike my finds which sit on shelves, in drawers or baskets LOL

  2. sounds like a great time to bad you felt miserable! Great finds at the show.

  3. Like your blog andhope all is well now. Would like to go to the Vermont Quilt show, hear its great may be one year

  4. Hey J,
    So glad you're back...sounds like you have been a good way;) Look forward to hearing lots from you;)

  5. How wonderful. Love festivals with good vendors. Like mini shops. Hope you are feeling well now.

  6. Several years ago, I tried to go to the Vermont Quilt Festival. We were traveling around New England. We had no room reservation and that was a mistake. We had to drive for many miles to get a motel room. I decided it wasn't feasible to back track to see the quilt show. Have regretted that decision ever since.

  7. I LOVE Roxanne's glue too!

    Sorry you didn't feel well, but your pocket book isn't suffering!

  8. I just found your blog from Cathy's (Cabbage Quilts) and love it! I read some of your past postings and adore the basket auditions! However -- I have decided to hate you just a teensy bit for getting to meet Kaffe and Brandon. Don't worry, I'll probably get over it eventually. Looking forward to following your work.

  9. you're a trooper and how fun is that to meet up with lisa! vendors...that is a magical word. nice loot!

  10. Thanks for sharing with us...
    I Like festivals with good vendors...

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