Monday, September 14, 2009

And the winner is......

And the award for the most over-used phrase in my video goes to.... "WOO HOO!!!!"

Oh and don't you love the container I used to put the names in? Yes that would be an old milk bottle cut in half to hold my paint. Best use of a milk container ever...hey it comes with it's own handle. Doesn't get much better than that!


  1. Great way to pick a winner, and I loved hearing your voice! Congrats to Amy.

  2. ....w-a-y cute video!! Hey, what
    kind of accent is that? It sure
    doesn't sound like mine...sure is
    different from my Texas twang!!

  3. Lovely to see & hear video of you. Loving the American accent!!

  4. Congrats to the winner. You've still got your Kiwi accent but with some American in with it. I bet people love hearing it.

  5. Congratulations to the winner , lucky girl !

  6. neat idea. Glad to hear you have retained your kiwi accent after all this time!!! It is cool to hear your voice, will have to remember this one next time. xx

  7. Oh how fun...I didn't win but it was great to hear you nice voice and accent and to see you cute son. Congrats to the winner!

  8. What a unique thing to do a video of the drawing. I enjoyed viewing it.

  9. Hi there Joanna! Haven't visited for a while so just wanted to say "Konnichiwa! Have a good Thursday!" - xue
