Thursday, September 3, 2009

Change of color and giveaway

Wow what a response to my little poll - thank you EVERYONE! It seems that the bright yellow is the preference with 68% of you favoring it. I am 99% sure that would be my choice...if circumstances hadn't changed over the weekend. I now have to choose a different color!

We have been wanting to paint the living room/hallway/kitchen all the same color. For about 6 years now I have wanted to use some kind of green paint in the houses we have lived in, but my hubby has always adamantly refused, saying that green reminds him of hospitals. I when I say adamantly, the dictionary definition fits... "utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals". Seriously, that is exactly how it was. But on his side, he did work in a mental health hospital many years ago, so I can see why he might have an aversion to it!

So I had pretty much decided on a light buttery shade of yellow, having given up on my green dream. Hence the choice of yellow for that little inner border. Then hubby tells me that he will buy the paint as long as I let him choose the color. Hmmmm tough decision. He never shows any interest in home decorating, so should I really trust this man?! I told him OK as long as I could hold veto power :) So off we go to Home Depot, and my jaw just about dropped when he chose a lovely light shade of green called Behr Celery Sprig. Really, I could have fainted on the spot. I said yes yes yes, got the paint and was out of there before he could change his mind!

The living room is currently chocolate brown, the kitchen orange, so this is going to be quite a departure, but one that I am excited about. With freshly painted white trim, new window coverings, new basebords, and new flooring in the kitchen/hallway, this is turning into quite the little renovation project for us!

SO having said all that, I now need your opinion again. It was quite fortuitous that some of you had mentioned trying a green, as that is exactly what I have done. Here are the *new* choices...

First, a polka dot that we will call 'A'

Next, a polka dot that we will call 'B'

And finally a monochromatic green that we will call 'C'

I know you all have already done your part in voting over the yellows, so I don't expect the same response over the greens. I just really wanted you to know that I appreciated your input and also the reason for changing my mind:)

Now, just to thank you all for your patience, I will do a giveaway! Woo Hoo! If you commented on the last post (the yellow one) or this one, you will be entered to win! I don't know what yet, probably some fabrics or quilt-related things. I'll have a rummage through my quilt room and pile up some goodies. Let's call it a surprise package!

Now I suppose I ought to start painting....


em's scrapbag said...

I really like the green probably because it is my favorite color. I think it really sets your quilt off. The one with the white dots is my favorite.

Jen said...

I like the green a lot. My vote is for A.

Brooke said...

Polka dot A would be my first choice. The solidish C is my second.

Lisa said...

I vote for A!

Lori Kay said...

Another chance to vote! I vote for A. I like the delicacy of the print the best.

Jodi Nelson said...

I missed the last post. I've been so busy moving to my new home on the web, you must come see me in my new home Joanna! But that quilt is GORGEOUS! I love polka dot B. ;o)
I've saving this one for inspiration! Wowsa.

Carin said...

I am with A on this one.

Nedra said...

I vote for polka dot B.
Best of luck!

Rosie1925 said...

A! Overall lighter, but the dots pick up the colors in the quilt.

lej619 said...

Oh boy after reading the other posts i am not sure i want to say what i was thinking.....
Oh ok... I don't like the green at that much, it's just not the right green for me. i like the brown alot!!!
So--I have gone back and looked again and I would go with A. there i said it. hehehe

Jackie Russell said...

I vote for "B".

Anonymous said...

I think you have the best reason possible to change your mind, congratulations on the green paint :-)).

I like B best, although C is very nice as well. But I can't help wondering how the quilt would look with the purple polka dot fabric I'm seeing in the first picture? Purple and green are so great together.

Unknown said...

Hi, I like them all, but my favorite is B.

Unknown said...

My vote is for B I love the polka dots and green really makes your quilt pop!

loulee said...

I went with B. They all look good though and with that brown border they look like chocolate limes. Yummy!

Amy Seven-Stitches said...

I'd go for the first green. The darker spots tie in with the brown behind.

Nanette Merrill said...

Seems I'm in the minority with c. But lately I'm into more plains. Not sure why. I would normally pick B but On second thought C seemed better!

Jeannette Bruce said...

Ok, I had a long look at this. I definitely am not crazy about A. I was tossing up between B and C. B because the dots are so cute and they do tie in being a fabric already in the quilt. But, after looking closely I think I like C best. The color is just right. But, I wouldn't be unhappy if you did chose B, just not A!

Mark said...

I vote B, It makes the colours pop!! We are currently (very slowly) redecorating our house, with a green theme, its such a soothing colour!!

Kristin said...

I love B since it is repeating from a fabric in the quilt (and green is one of my favorite colors) :)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Polka dot B is my choice of the greens.

Katie said...

B! :-)

Deb said...

Green "C" is my vote, makes the other colours pop more as they are quite busy.

Teresa said...

I voted for B. Good luck with the renovation!

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Oh yes the green is lovely, and I would go with green B! Best of luck with all the redecs going on xo

Unknown said...

I'm a B, picks up the same in the quilt. Looks like you're having fun. Your painting reminds me of your Dad, I loved the way he would paint - there was the white phase and the brown phase. So watch out once you get that brush in your hand - not the car okay ;-))) moira x

antique quilter said...

I like B it just makes me smile

Love the green can't wait to see what you chose.

Eila said...

Beautiful colors!

Martha said...

I love polka dot B and mysterious giveaways!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

There aren't many of us that like "C", but that's my choice. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Candace said...

A is my favorite.

Lisa said...

I love, love love A!!!!!
I love this quilt!

Mel said...

I like B!

Janet said...

I voted! Hard choice as I liked A and B. I had some Sausage rolls for you while I was In NZ, oh and fish and chips, lol.

Browndirtcottage said...

OK....I voted for is a little different dot pattern than what is showing in the quilt...but blends the unexpectd and use one of the dots!!!

Jeanne said...

I like them both, but will choose B.

Doina said...

I like the things you have made and show on your blog! I vote for polka dot A.

Lorraine said...

I have to say I'm more partial to the green with your quilt (which is stunning by the way). I have given my vote to B because it is a little more vibrant, but I would choose either A or B which ever is closest to your new green paint.

Karen said...

Hey J, how ya doing??? Love your quilt and I vote for A. I like the way it pulls the polka dots in the quilt and the brown border together. Hope ya have funnnnn slinging the ol' paint brush;)

Lilly said...

I vote for C! It is really beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I would choose C. and now i need to go to the store to buy that green paint, I want my living room THAT color!

Sherri said...

I love polka dot B...I think it really makes the whole quilt shine!

Gluten Free Store Ltd said...

I am loving polka dot b! Its got that little extra... zing! And I am daft about dots.

Anonymous said...

I like B. Can't wait to see the paint on the walls.

Mystica said...

The green with the white polka dots that is the A.

Please count me in.



IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I like the second with the polka dots that are lighter/less defined in the photo. I think it is a happy medium between the other two. Definitely my choice :)


Cathie in UT said...

Well...what does it matter cause it's green! LOL
You know what I say all greens work together but I have to admit I voted for A.
There was another spotty print that seemed to have bigger dots and some brown? maybe that I like the best but whichever you choose it's gonna make a really great Jo quilt.

Anonymous said...

OK--just for the record--B.

sweetbabies00 said...

I love polka dots and this really surprises me, I like the green W/OUT the polka dots. Hands down.

SO I'M Anna Fogg, an eclectic kinda gal said...

I am SO LATE! but I love the 'a' polka-dot. plus, I think you gave me a chunk of that. So lucky for you to get a celery green. you will feel so refreshed and spritely.
Love Ya!

Pam C said...

I vote for "B" the pop is fun.

roccagal said...

Just stumbled upon your blog from a link at Sew Many Ways- your blog is so much fun!I love this quilt and i think that you could put just about anything on it and it would look great! If I had to choose I would definitely go for the A green -its fabulous! Thanks for such an entertaining blog!

Annette said...

I'm loving polka dot B. Awesome quilt top!

Lisa said...

Am I too late to add my 2 cents! Well, I love dots and I love green... I do love the first dotty choice, A.