Friday, October 16, 2009

Blogger's Quilt Festival

So as usual I'm almost a day late and a dollar short, but I do believe I'm just sliding in before the deadline for Park City Girl's Blogger's Quilt Festival. I don't have a new quilt to show, but I delved into my photo archives and found a pics of one of my favorites. I have shown it on my blog before, but some of you probably haven't seen it unless you've read through my archives.

It is a Valori Wells design, and was one of the first needle-turn applique quilts I made. I think I did it in about 2003? It was also my first prize-winning quilt (in the UT Springville Museum of Art quilt show) that I received a cold hard cash prize for!

Right now, sadly, it is hanging in my basement as I just don't have any walls upstairs big enough to hang it. But it is directly at the bottom of the basement stairs, so I get to smile every time I go down there:)


  1. I'm not surprised it won a prize, I love it, you did a fabulous job of it.

  2. Woop..woop...I'm crazy over this
    quilt!! Something so different and
    eye catching about it....that's why
    you won a prize with it!!!

  3. Very pretty quilt! Glad you got to join the fun -- just in time :).

  4. I can see why you'd smile-- it is so bright and lovely. What a beautiful quilt!

  5. I would smile too If I had made a quilt that stunning that I got to look at all the time!! Beautiful work!!

  6. wow Joanna, that is a beautiful quilt. Congratulations on your win! That is pretty exciting to receive a cash prize.

  7. Beautiful quilt, Joanna. So bright!
    I know the feeling and smiley when you look at this quilt :)

  8. I have not seen your quilt before, so I am happy that you are showing another picture of it. You did a really good job in the making of this quilt. I like how the sunflower centers are crazy quilt style. I can see why the quilt makes you smile.

  9. Wow! Having seen this quilt and drooled over it so many times I can say "That's such a crappy picture!" OMG...these pics just don't do it justice. Wish everyone could see your magnificent quilt up close and personal. They would have a RZ moment and go "BAH-NAH-NAS!" LOL! Hey, maybe that's why GP loves your basement...he gets to look at the sunflower angels while working out on your treadmil! You just can't beat that! LOL!

  10. Hi there from another expat Kiwi. Love your quilt!!

  11. Lovely quilt - and a nice treat as you go downstairs.

  12. I just love your quilt, Oh the colors are wonderful.

  13. It is lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us all.

  14. It's beautiful Joanna and congrats on winning a prize for it, well deserved xo

  15. Gorgeous colours and a very eyecatching design. If it were mine, it would be a favourite too :-)
