Monday, November 16, 2009

Applique at last

Saturday here in New Hampshire was very wet. The remnants of a hurricane made their way north and we got the rain! Which to me is a good thing. I love the rain! Hubby had just bought a new Playstation game, so while he and the kids played that, I escaped to my quilt room in the basement and cut out applique pieces for the border of the quilt you all voted on!

By the time I had cut them out, we decided to go to the mall, (hubby had decided that since his children are now old enough to play Playstation games with him, he needed another controller - any excuse for a man and his toys...) so off we went, he got said controller, and we came home. To a power outage!! Normally this would be a big inconvenience to me, but not this time - I had hand applique to do! Of course the rest of the family was very upset - I think a few tears were shed by an almost 9 year old girl - no power meant no Playstation!

So I started my applique and within an hour the power was back on. Is it strange that I was a little sad it came back on?!

I have a lot more to do, but it's slowly coming together...


  1. Wow! I totally love the colors in your quilt. Nice job! :o)

  2. The applique really adds to the quilt. Great selection for the border.

  3. Love the touch the applique adds. This is going to be an awesome quilt.

  4. Gorgeous...but then, what else is new? Would you please post some ugly work? You're making the rest of us look bad, LOL!
    I'm sooo happy I missed the power ottage, man that would have sucked the big one. GP is NOT a fan of outages. Gino was in a wreck so we were in Waltham. I was lounging...while the boys were out having fun, yet again! No one told me I was going to be left "home alone" and I had no crafting supplies so it was Me and Mr. Fios...gotta love it. I watched HBO all day, no really, ALL DAY! LOL!

  5. Lovin' the applique!! Ahh yes power outages and video games, I know all about the tears here! Luckily we don't get them very often! (power outages that is, tears are an everyday thing with my 4 girls!)

  6. OOOooo this ones going to be gorgeous!

  7. That quilt is going to be just amazing! And you definitely made some good progress on the applique in the borders. It's looking great.

  8. This totally finishes off the quilt perfectly and makes it all pop.

  9. Your border looks great so far, it goes with the top which is so colourful and cheerful.

  10. Looks great! At least if your power went out, it wasn't at freezing temperatures! :)

  11. I love those circles (flowers?) they really make the brown boarder sing.
