Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Applique done

I have finished up the applique on my green and brown quilt, and like I said last week, I had hoped to have it all quilted and done, but the holiday season caught up on me and it will have to wait until after Christmas. But I am itching to get it finished now and up on the wall!

It is folded up in my handy dandy plastic container that I got in UT last year. These containers are wonderful for projects - you can see what is in them at a glance. I'll be back tomorrow for "Thrifty Thursday" but for now, it's back to wrapping presents!


  1. Oh, congratulations on finishing your beautiful quilt top! What a pretty and cheerful quilt!

  2. I could tell immediatly who made this quilt if it were in a "line up" a LOL
    Congrats on a finish and hope you have a lovely Christmas...give the kiddies a big hug from Auntie Cathie who is visiting NC right now

  3. Love those Kaffes! And they look wonderful on a brown background.
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Woo Hoo...oh boy....I am loving
    this!! I just recently added some
    Kaffee to my stash!!
    I too l-o-v-e my clear little project holders!!

  5. give the kiddies a big hug from Auntie Cathie who is visiting NC right now

    Work from home India
