Friday, December 4, 2009


I have a new little quilt hanging on my hallway wall. And after 4 days, not one person in my family has noticed! I finally pointed it out to my hubby and he seemed to like it well enough. But the kids? They must pass by it 30 times a day, and nothing! I suppose it is up a little higher than their line of sight...we shall see how long it takes them:) You can see that it looks like it's a decent size here......but when you step away, you see how small it actually is...I made the 3 wonky-house blocks last year, with no idea what I was going to do with them. I think I had intended to make several one-house mini quilts, but the other night I just sewed them up all together, adding bits of grass and sky to make them fit, and I love it!
My intention is to make a hallway of quilts - lots of mini-quilts all over the hallway walls. I got the idea from a blogging friend, Chavah, who is a working artist in New Zealand - she just did the same thing in her hallway, except with her paintings.
You should go read her blog post about it, and you can see the before as well as the after. So inspirational! You know we could all do this with our quilts!


  1. I have thought of putting quilts down my hallway before! It's just about the only place I have a fair amount of unbroken wall space. But then I would have to take my kids' baby pictures down- would that make me a bad mom? LOL!

    Your house wall hanging is so cute!

  2. A hallway of quilts sound fabulous. And these are the perfect start.

  3. Your wall could easily hold some more mini quilts. Maybe some different house quilts.

  4. I love your mini quilt, it would look wonderful with other mini quilts nearby. xo

  5. Oh...Oh....I love them!!! I have
    some of that green polka dot too!
    I also have a box full of wonky
    houses I did last year...still
    deciding on what to do with them...
    I have considered using them in
    some placemats...similar to your
    c-u-t-e little wall hanging!!
    What a great idea for bare walls!

  6. That's what I did with all my swap doll quilts. They're on the hallway near my studio. It's interesting that they make a much stronger statement because they're hanging together.

    I ended up hanging them up more lined up, but it's about the same as in the above picture.

  7. Fantastic!, both the quilt and the hallway idea!!

  8. Cute little quilt Jo and if you want the kids to notice hang some candy on strings below it! LOL
    I remember Pamela Morgan here had a stairway wall full of little mini projects from over the years. It was fun to see the variety she had.
    Good luck with your quilt wall!

  9. I love a wall with mini quilts. This is a great start. I love houses.

  10. Not to worry the kids haven't noticed - their thoughts are filled with Santa and the excitement of the holidays. Your little houses look like Spring to me.

    I love your Thrifty Thursday post as it is always so fun to see what you find.

  11. Cute houses! Luv it! Well done!
    Merry quilting!
