Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yummy new fabrics

About a month ago while shopping in the mall, the perfume store had their perpetual buy one, get one for $10 sale on. My hubby asked if I wanted some. Of course I did - why would he even have to ask?! But then the thought came to me....hmmmm if he was willing to spend $50 on some perfume for me, would he just let me spend the money on fabric instead?! He kindly said yes, so I gave up the perfume for the fabric. Or so I thought. 2 weeks later he came home from a date at the mall with our son...with the perfume! I still hadn't got the fabric, and he said I could still order some if I wanted. He is the best:)

I made two orders, one from Hancocks of Paducah when they had their 20% off sale, and one at Marie-Madeline Studio with their 40% off sale!

Hancocks had the new Kaffes and brand new Sandi Henderson fabrics I've been wanting....
Marie Madeline's had some Anna Maria Horner fabrics I've been wanting for a year but just hadn't ordered. At 40% off it was a bargain!
Didn't they wrap it so nicely? It's the little things that make you a repeat customer. Now see this green one with pink roses?
I think it may officially be my favorite fabric ever. To me, it feels vintage yet modern. I wish I had bought more than 1 yard! My hubby on the other hand had this to say... "It looks like an old grandma's dress. Why didn't you just go to the thrift store and buy an ugly old dress instead?" The nerve!!

I was most impressed with Marie Madeline's customer service. They are running a giveaway at the moment for a free quilt if you do certain things. One of the ways to earn entries is to spend money at their store. You just had to let them know that you had done so, and wanted the entries. I had completely forgotten about that when I placed my order. They emailed me, and asked if I wanted the 25 entries I had earned as a customer, as they didn't want to force them on anyone that didn't want them! Are they crazy?! Of course I wanted them!! There is still one day left to enter if you want to win one of these two quilts from them. All you need to do for 1 entry is leave them a comment on their blog, so go ahead - worsen my odds!

I have spent most of today needleturning the applique on the quilt you all voted on. I see a completed quilt coming this next week! I am so excited!


  1. Hi Joanna, Congrats on your new fabric! I agree about the beautiful vintage green does look like an old dress, but remember it hasn't faded, and it is still strong fabric without being weakened with age! :) You will be making some beautiful quilts. I also think that was sweet of your hubby. They do surprise us at times. Also, I SURE WOULD HAVE NOTICED THOSE CUTE HOUSES!.. Kids...they just don't appreciate good art!

  2. Good job on fabric choices. You just can't go wrong with more Kaffes and Anna Marie.

  3. OK, so even BEFORE I read Roland's comment I thought, "HMMMM, interesting!" LOL! But then moss green and bright pink are just a wee bit out of my area of expertise...hee-hee. I can't wait to see what you turn them into, something wonderful, without a doubt! I'll be on the lookout for their transformations, =)

  4. Good luck on the draw for the quilt giveaway. I love all your fabrics and I love the green with hot pink roses especially.

  5. drool drool drool over that fabric! Gosh your husband is lovely. My husband does not understand fabric. He likes things like spreadsheets and budgets, which to a sewer are very rude words indeed!

  6. Oh Yes...Oh Yes....I too recieved
    some luscious Kaffee this week!!...
    LOL...I can't believe before I read that the green/w roses was about your favorite MY MIND said the same fact I'm working with some pink/rose and
    green today....I'm chuckling about
    you turning down the perfume for fabric....HA....You would not believe the things I have turned down in exchange for fabric!! it a sickness???
    HURRY...HURRY...I'm anxious to see your finish!!!

  7. Ohh nice fabric! I finally bought some of the Anna Maria Horner fabrics from that line last week too!
