Wednesday, May 19, 2010

1 UFO down, countless to go...

Chances are if you are reading this blog, you know what a UFO is, but just in case you're not familiar with quilting terms, UFO stands for Un-Finished-Object!I started this wall hanging way back in January 2009. (Read about it here.) I can't believe it's been sitting in my quilt room that long just begging to be finished. Well today was the day. I couldn't stand to see it there laying limply on my shelves any longer!I did away with the idea of a border and just let the blocks speak for themselves with a simple binding....but lots and lots of quilting!It's happily up on the living room wall now, where it should have been a year ago. Sure feels good to have a UFO done:)My fingers are itching to do some applique now. I'm sure I can find an applique UFO around here somewhere....


  1. Well it was definitely a good day to work on something fun. Don't you feel like we're in a holding pattern? We're holding out for the good weather! HAHAHA~

  2. Great job! I like it hanging in your living room. Can't wait to see what you are working on next.

  3. Hey Joanna, It is fabulous! Well done! It looks great hanging on the wall. Happy appliqueing!

  4. I just love the woggly blocks! I've wanted for ages to try something similar, well, actually, I have tried several somethings similars but I can't the the woggles to a) lie flat, or b) to join together. So I guess I'll just have to drool over yours...oops! better wipe the kepboard...

  5. I really love it. I want to make a quilt like that. I keep saying it but I just don't get my other projects done to get around to making one like this. So it is fun to see yours.

  6. VERY fun and you're in good company with the rest of 'us' who also have TONS of UFOs!!

  7. Well, I think it was worth the wait - your wall hanging looks great! I love the quirkiness of it.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Regards, Sue

  8. Great finish, you call that an old UFO, lol. It looks great on the wall and sometimes quilts don't need borders.

  9. Color - color - color, I love it. You decorate with more color than any other blog I follow and its all so neat.

  10. Love those polka dot fabrics!

  11. I love your's beautiful! And, yes, it's the best feeling to finish a UFO. Then, it's on to the next one. LOL

  12. This is gorgeous! I love designs like this & the colours are so cheery too!

  13. Oh, my NERVES! I love this!! Inspires me to create a wallhanging. All of my quilts end up as quilts. Love, love, love this!

  14. Your wall hanging is beautiful!! Great job!! Just found your lovely blog.
