Friday, July 2, 2010

Pincushion Round Robin

I am participating in a Wool Crazy pincushion round robin with 3 quilty friends - Brenda of Pumpkin Patch Primitives, my internet BFF Anna, and Sharon Yeager of Daisy Cottage Quilting.

For those of you not familiar with how it works, this is what we do...the pincushions are entirely made of wool. First we each make a base using scraps of wool, basted together. Then we decide on a theme and add a wool applique to set the tone for out theme. Next we mail it to the next person, they add a wool applique, send it on to the next person and so on. You end up getting an amazing little work of art which you then turn into a pincushion. Pretty cool stuff!

Here is what we have so far...

Brenda's base(Fall theme) I think she's adding a pumpkin as we speak!Sharon's (Summer theme)Her base that she sent to Anna
And Anna's beautiful additionAnna's so far (Spring theme) Her base sent on to Brenda
And Brenda's amazing additions!Mine so far as sent to Sharon (Around the neighborhood theme)

See that logo on the photos that says Pumpkin Patch Primitives? That means that they belong to Brenda, and I did ask her permission before using them. Let me get on my little soapbox and say that it's VERY important to ask people before using their images! Brenda's a nice lady - so ask first!! And if you want to see more, go to her Pumpkin Patch Primitives Facebook page - she has a whole folder full of pictures like these ones!

I can't wait to see them all finished. It's so exciting!

The kids and I are off to Utah tomorrow for a 3 week vacation with the in-laws. So my next post will no doubt be from a different state. There are quite a few quilt shows on while I'm there, so I'm sure I will have something to blog about. Stay tuned!


  1. I love them all. Did Brenda leave us any room to sew on Anna's? lol
    I do love all the flowers though. This if so much fun. Now I've got to think about what to put on yours. You guys are too good. I'm nervous again.

  2. Excuse me Ms. Soccer Mom, I did confess to hoarding up some space there...I got carried away. What can I say? You better call Hoarders 'cause once I get going I find it hard to stop! LOL!

  3. Very creative use of a small space. And each pincushion will be unique.

  4. WOW! Your group is doing beautiful work! I love it all == but especially that tiny little house!

  5. Looks like fun and not that much of a time commitment each month.

  6. What an absolutely fun round robin. Love that little house.

  7. What a fun idea for a round robin, I love them all.

  8. What a great idea - these are really really lovely. I love all the detailed stitching!
    Thanks for sharing
