Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I had two occasions in the last week or so to make presents. Having some 'skills' with fabric comes in handy when such occasions arrive!

First up was a bridal shower. I thought a framed raw edge appliqued with the couple's last name would make a good present. After some sneaky sleuthing (which means I looked at their bridal registries online!) I figured that all the linens they liked included blue and brown, hench the choice of colors.
The bride's current last name is Gray, (yes she is going from Gray to Brown!) so I made the 'O' Gray to show that even though she is becoming a Brown, there will always be a bit of Gray in her! Yes, cheesy I know, but most things to do with weddings are cheesy, right?! It's one of the only times being cheesy is a good thing!

And secondly my daughter went to her friend's 9th birthday party. Sofia chose the fabrics and I make a library book bag.
And Sofia chose a book to go in it. "Dear Dumb Diary" seems to be her favorite series at the moment.

We have had a wonderful couple of days of cool weather and rain. It gets so hot in the Summer here that it's been a wonderful relief. The only people not enjoying it are my friend Brenda who is getting new windows installed today - in the rain - with workmen trapsing mud all through her house....and our cat Mittens who really wants to go outside and do his business but really doesn't want to get wet!
Personally, I am loving the rain. Perfect quilting weather!


  1. loved the framed name! its very cool!!

  2. What great gifts and so thoughtful! I love the Brown sign and grey o is very clever.
    raining here too, but after 3 days, my puppy is tired of it and wants to go to the dog park....

  3. What wonderful gifts, I love the gray O it makes it that much more special.

  4. The brown & gray idea came from a very creative mind!

  5. I thought you were going to PRE-sent something LOL for some reason my mind didn't think of presents.
    HI to Miss Sophia and so sorry I missed you when you were in Utah!

  6. Very nice gifts! Love the library bag. I also enjoy rainy weather, but then I just want to be under the covers with a book and some coffee.
