Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bag Giveaway

My friend Shannon is doing an amazing giveaway on her blog. She made this little clutch/bag...
...and is giving it away! Just become a follower of her blog, JM Studio Solutions, and leave her a comment and you are entered. And if you tell her I sent you I get an extra entry. Or don't tell her if you want to keep your chances of winning good! So far there are just 5 comments so the odds of winning are amazing!!

I am actually in love with this bag, so I think I'd rather you really didn't enter. So just ignore this post, OK?!! But really, Shannon is one of the most creative people I know (and yes I actually know her in real life!) and makes some amazing things, so it really is worthwhile checking out her blog, regardless of the giveaway!


  1. ohhh, I just checked out your friends give away. I did say I came via your blog, but I hope I win with my one entry! It is sooo cute. I have no patience with tiny projects and fiddly zippers! Thanks for sharing the give away chance with everyone!

  2. That is so cute! Thanks for sharing about the giveaway.

  3. What a gorgeous little clutch bag! It would be wonderful to win. Please enter me!

  4. Help! I can't find your friend's blog and I would love to enter her Giveaway! I tried JM Studio Solutions but it's a company which doesn't sound right at all.

  5. Linda, I linked straight to Shannon's giveaway on my post - if you click where I wrote JM Studio Solutions, it takes you straight there. However, the giveaway is over! Also, you have your email set to "No reply" so nobody can contact you to let you know the answers to your questions. It's simple to fix in your settings.

  6. Just found your blog and love it.. such a cute purse. If you need any new recipes head on over to our site!

  7. How would you feel about a blog swap? email us if your interested.
