Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thrifty Thursday. Edit: Oops! Wednesday!

It's been a few months since I did a Thrifty Thursday post, and today is Thursday so I figured, why not?! (OK OK OK I am completely losing my mind - just realized it is only Wednesday, NOT Thursday!!)

I've been having fun in thrift stores, as usual, and found some great stuff. My latest acquisition is this fabulous kelly green vintage chair.
I picked it up and put it back about 5 times while in the store, mostly due to the price tag. It was $20 which is a crazy price in a thrift store. I never pay that much for second hand junk, ever! BUT I was in completely in love with it, and knew I'd regret not buying it. I am SO glad I bought it! I love the clean simple lines, and look how perfectly it matches my re-done green cupboard!
There were actually three chairs, this green one, a pink one and a purple one. Think I can convince the hubster to let me get the other two?!!

I've also kept up my milk glass collecting, getting pieces for a dollar or two here and there.

I get so much satisfaction from decorating with second hand items. Of course, there's the monetary savings, but also the uniqueness factor. Who else has a matching green cupboard and chair? I know they're not everyone's cup of tea, but they make my heart sing!


  1. I see a pink chair on the other side of this chest!

  2. I want that green chair!!! I'd have to go back and buy the others. Sooo gorgeous.

  3. I think you have to go get the pink one. Think what kind of chair you could get for $20 at a box store and how long it will last... right? I find more and more that my thrift store finds way way outlive my new "expensive" (in my world anyway) stuff. I am keeping my eyes open for a used couch with really good bones so I can get rid of our 3 yr old (Ashley! grrr...) sagging threadbare mess.

    But I don't know if you should listen to me. I'm such an enabler. :0)

  4. I think you are a real treasure hunter!!! Love the milk glass goodies, and your matching chair and cupboard!!!

  5. great finds! makes me want to go thrift shopping, like tomorrow!
