Monday, January 31, 2011

Pillow 4 revealed

This might be my favorite pillow yet. Individually, each part of it is very simple. The applique is not a big intricate piece, but rather plain and simple. The borders are just that, borders, no fancy piecing involved. Put them all together though, and you have one gorgeous pillow! The purple inner border is from Amy Butler's latest line, Soul Blossoms, and the blue/gray outer border is from one of my all time favorite fabric lines - Valorie Wells's Olive Rose. I use a piece of Olive Rose in almost everything I make!

This post is earlier than usual today. I have been doing my posts late at night, mainly because that's when everybody in this house is asleep and I have some time to sew without interruption. But this afternoon the sun has been shining in the front window and the living room is bathed in it's warm rays. I just couldn't resist making the pillow insert and taking my photos with the sun streaming in!


  1. Bright and colorful. Just what we all need! :-)

  2. This one is my favorite! I love it. Your house is getting to be so happy and colorful. Very very awesome. (I would live in a box of crayons if I could.)

  3. Beautiful pillows! I really love the wall hanging behind all the pillows - that's so lovely! Your own design or a pattern?

    Just found you tonight from Cabbage Quilts blog. I'm really enjoying looking at all your work :)

  4. What a lovely line-up of cushions! it looks like you are enjoying your bit of sewing time each day :-)
