Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Leftover Birds

I cut out far more birds than I needed to for my pillow top and every time I saw them in my scrap bin unused I felt bad. It's not like they are real or have feelings, but still, they were begging to be used!(For the first time ever my photo has uploaded sideways - sorry, I will see if I can fix that!) It's been a while since I made a mini quilt for my wall, so tonight I grabbed a couple of the leftover birds, basted them to a simple background, and pretty soon I will have a cute little mini quilt to add to the collection. One is half appliqued, the other not at all, but they don't take much time and this little piece will be perfect to tuck in my purse tomorrow for while I am at the dentist's office. Eeek the dentist! Just my 6 monthly cleaning, but still!

1 comment:

  1. Remind me of that yellow background, it's on the tip of my tongue, I love it. ~a
