Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tastes change

Today I finished appliqueing down all the big basic pieces on this second house block. The house is all done and the vine is done. Still to be put on this block are swirly flowers around the vine, leaves, and tulips in the meadow. I do have a problem though. My tastes have changed and the big dull green hill is just not doing it for me like it was 5 years ago! I didn't applique it down and I think I will change it out to something with a little more pizazz to it.

It also might be that I only make two blocks of this quilt. I remember handling my book so much that it started to come apart at the binding, and split in two. Tonight I found part of it, but it's only the first 6 pages, and there are no pattern pieces in the first 6 pages. Never fear, I will figure something out!


  1. Not only do tastes change but our available fabric changes too!
    My stash now and 5 and 10 years ago is quite different!

  2. Joanna, that is one hard book to find. Where were you able to purchase it at?

  3. Yep. Our tastes do change. If I have an old project that doesn't thrill me anymore, I find someone who thinks it is wonderful and pass it on.

  4. Ha! Mine came apart too. Shoddy publisher! I can loan it to you, get some patterns to you...whatever. I def do need to pull those out. I did like 6 of those blocks. And I still like the fabrics I chose.

  5. I don't know how old that book is, but I just pulled mine off the shelf early this week to start pulling fabric for it. My book came apart, too. I just love those houses. Your block is great. I do agree with you that some of our earlier applique' blocks don't have quite the pizazz we like today. Hope you keep going on the project.

  6. I did this quilt...LOVE IT!! I ended up going to Staples and getting a spiral binding. You should change the fabric into something that sings to you. It will be easier to finish if you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it too!!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  7. Wow, I love the quilt on the cover of that book! I can't wait to see your version. I'm sure it will be mind-blowing, as usual.

  8. ugh. i hate it when that splitting but could also refer to lack luster fabric. when books start falling apart run them to the copy place and have them bind it. it makes it sooo nice!
