Sunday, February 13, 2011

What's Old is New Again

Tonight I pulled out a project that hasn't seen the light of day for quite a while, as in about 5 years! I started this house quilt, a Blackbird Designs pattern from their book, Home Sweet Home, back when we lived in Utah. By the way, when I just went to get the URL for the book, I saw that I had written a review for the book - I can't even remember writing it, but everything I said still holds true! It's the first review if you want to see my thoughts on the book back on February 27th 2006. I am impressed that I was so close to my 5 year guess!

I remember that all the other people doing it at the time were staying quite true to the original fabrics, and made the quilt in more muted tones than I enjoy working with.

I knew I wanted my version to be different from the norm, so I remember going to quilt shops to find my inspiration. When I don't know what direction to go, I often will pick out a fabulous border print first and build the rest of the quilt from there. Amy Butler was quite new to the quilting scene, and when I saw this lime green and blue print of hers, I knew that was my inspiration!So I bought a few yards of it, gathered my matching fabrics, and made my first block, which is what I'm showing you tonight.

I got as far as basting the second block when the project was put on hold due our cross country move. But tonight I finally started working on the second block. I think I'll try to get it finished before showing it to you, but you can see where I'm going from the first one.


  1. Ok, my twin, who was somehow born in New Zealand whilst I was born in DC...and several years behind me, no less. I pulled these out too! Just the other day. I've done 5 I think. And get this...Going to get mine out and take some pics. Love the blue idea!! ~a

  2. I love your house!! I have just started this quilt too, and have done 4 houses. It is wonderful to work on! Look forward to seeing what you do with the others!

  3. Every time I see that quilt on someone's blog I want to start it and I go home and pull it out of my book collection and then I can't decide what fabrics I'd want to use, I think I do better with kits. I like your colors.

  4. I have the same project that hasn't seen the light of day in a long, long time.
