Sunday, March 13, 2011

2 Trees, 1 Bird, 6 Leaves

I received an email from a reader a few days ago saying that she wanted to have a go at the tree block tutorial, so I emailed her back saying yes please try it, and if you do I'll put your block up on my blog. Well a couple of days later she sent me a picture of her tree block! I can't explain how exciting it is to see something made by someone else from something you designed! And here is Michele's block...I love it! I really like the fabrics she used (does she know about my not-so-secret crush on Kaffe Fassett?!) and love how the linen background works. I can't wait to see what Michele turns this into! A mini quilt? A pillow? One of many blocks for a bigger quilt?! You can go see what she's up to on Michele's blog, Nostalgic Cafe.

I finally got the binding put onto my version, and it will off to its new owner in the next few days. This is one I will be very sorry to see leave.
It would be very happy living on my wall of quilts!


  1. oh it would be very happy living on my wall of little quilts too, just beautiful
    I can imagine how hard it is to mail this one away
    make another one, its that beautiful!

  2. Love your little quilt! Your tutorial was tops! Thank you for all the inspiration!

  3. I love Kaffe too! Lovely little quilt.

  4. I can't believe you make pumpkin bread from scratch. Don't you know there's a mx for that? LOL!
