Thursday, March 10, 2011

Almost...darn that binding!

I was SO hoping to have this finished to show you tonight and I am so close...I have all the piecing and quilting done, and I even have the binding sewn on, BUT I haven't sewn it down on the back. Aaargh! So close yet so far. I'm going to sit in bed right now, catch up with Survivor on the DVR, and get this binding done!


  1. It turned out so cute! I was going to make your tree block earlier in the week, but I must have been distracted.

  2. I'm a Survivor fan too.

    I previously left a comment about how well I liked your bird and tree. The border is the finishing touch that makes it so unique looking. Hope you got your binding done.

  3. I have a hard time getting to the binding. It seems like it takes so much time when you want to be done. Way cute hanging.
