Monday, March 7, 2011


Put your hand up if you love scraps! Me! Me! Me! And even more than my own scraps, I love other people's scraps, because they are usually fabrics I don't have. So you can imagine how excited I was to receive this in the mail today...A box? Why would I be excited about a box? Because look what is inside...

Scraps! From another person, so they are all new to me! Woo hoo! Can you tell I am excited?!! And this sucker is heavy - it was absolutely stuffed full! I haven't even taken them out and played with them yet, and already I can spot some Kaffe, Heather Bailey, Amy Butler, Anna Maria Horner...all my favorites! How she could bare to part with them I'll never know!

Last Summer I posted on my family blog about my trip to Utah and how a friend I met at the New England Modern Quilt Guild, Lisa, happened to be on the same plane as me. Here we are sitting together while we had our little mini show-and-tell on the plane...
Well that Lisa asked a couple of weeks ago if anyone was interested in her scraps. I of course said a big oh yes please! She is so kind, and refused my offer of payment for shipping, so I think I need to make her one of my mini quilts. Maybe I should even use some of her scraps? You know, just so how she can see how ridiculously stupid it was to give these gorgeous pieces away?!!

She makes the most beautiful bags and fabric creations and sells them, and you can check out her Etsy shop here. (No she didn't ask me to write that! I just wanted to!)

Thank you SO much Lisa - I love them, and promise they will be well used in my house!


  1. Lucky duck! That looks like one fun box!

  2. Lisa has some great scraps I'm sure! Have fun with those.

  3. Now that's the kind of mail I love! I'm sure you'll make wonderful things with the scraps.

  4. So glad you liked them! There are a ton more where those came from. :)
