Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tasty Tuesday

The recipe I have to share today is for Banana Bread. I know that most of you have your own recipes and you should keep using them. The twist with this is what I did to the top. Chocolate frosting! Growing up in New Zealand, we only ever had Banana Bread (which was called Banana Cake) with chocolate frosting! It wasn't until I came to the States that I saw it being called bread instead of cake, and it was chocolate frosting-less! What a sin not to have chocolate frosting on it!!

I had some old bananas on top of my fridge, and when I say old, I mean they were black outside and past the point of being mushy - they were becoming solidified again! But I still used them and the bread (or cake!) was divine!

I used the recipe found on CuisineNie found here. I have a pan that does 4 mini-loaves and this recipe was perfect for it. I especially liked the idea of using the immersion blender for the bananas - genius! It worked so well.Now next time you make banana bread, you have to promise me that you will at least think about trying some frosting on it. It's the only way to eat it. Really!

On the quilting front, I went to my LQS today and bought some fabrics. I'll save the photos of them for tomorrow. It's hard finding new things to blog about every single day (why did I make that goal again?!!!) so I have to stretch things out now and then!

Edited to add:
I was asked about a recipe for frosting so here you go...just a basic chocolate frosting!

Soften 1 stick butter (I like to set it out at room temperature to soften rather than in the microwave - it just works better!)
Whip it in your mixer (or by hand if you don't have a mixer) until fluffy with about 2 cups powdered sugar, 1/4 Cup cocoa, 1 tsp vanilla and small amounts of water, adding more as needed. I'm talking about water by the teaspoon, just a little at a time. You may need more or less powdered sugar too. I just dump it in and add more as necessary. Yeah, really technical, I know. You could also add other flavors instead of vanilla, eg sometimes I'll add orange essence, or peppermint essence, or rum essence, or coconut essence. So many possibilities!


  1. Looks delicious, but what about the frosting recipe?


  2. I have an old Better Homes and Gardens cookbook with BOTH banana bread and banana cake recipes. I haven't baked the cake in a very long time (my daughter was diagnosed with an egg allergy) but I remember it as a very moist cake. I put cream cheese frosting on it...yum!

  3. I know what you mean. Somethimes it´s hard to find things to wright about, but to me it´s important to wright something every day; cause if I don´t I´ll probably wouldn´t wright at all.
    I can´t eat the tasty cakes you show due to allergy, but I like to watch them!
    Keep up the good work!

  4. We like ours the next day, with Nutella. :)

  5. Hi After reading you blog about the banana bread I made it that night! The whole family love it. Much better than my KIWI banana cake recipe!
