Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ted E. Bear

Today Mr Ted E. Bear (otherwise known as Steve - long story!) was finally finished and I thought you'd like to see how he spent his day...

Here he is posing for the camera...
Oh wait, he saw someone he knows outside and got distracted while waving to them...He like to play cops and robbers - he's the robber with his hands up while I shoot him ... with my camera. (Yeah I know that was a bad one!)But really he's quite scholarly and is planning on writing his first best seller...Oops distracted again by a friend...I think he's given up on the writing and has decided to be a model. This is his looking backwards over the shoulder pose...
"I'm ready for my close-up"...
Since he's become a famous model, he gives lowly people like myself the cold shoulder...
Did I say he wanted to be a model? I meant yoga instructor! He had a fun day:)


  1. Mr. Ted E. Bear is gorgeous and a bit of a character by all accounts. Well done!

  2. Cute! Very cute! And funny.

  3. You are too funny and what a cute teddy!! Your post cracked me up!! Have a great day!

  4. Still laughing at all of these
    'beary' crazy poses. He is already up to antics and foolishness, just like any proper teddy bear would be. Love him.

  5. he is adorable!
    what a treasure.
    always love seeing what your up to, don't always leave a comment but enjoy your blog!
