Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Dress

My girl Sofia and I spend the entire afternoon making her a new Easter Dress. She chose the pattern and fabrics, and helped me cut out the pattern. I sewed most of it, but she did the longer straighter parts as you can see here...

Finally it was done! We even made a little matching bolero jacket to wear over it, which didn't last long - she much prefers it without. Are all 10 year olds this fussy?!!

I had some straight trim which I ruffled up and added to the front. 4 rows later and it looks rather cute!

I somehow convinced her to go outside in the drizzling rain for some photos. Nothing beats natural light, even in the rain!

I'll have to take photos tomorrow before church when she has her hair done pretty and the look is pulled together more. Here's hoping it's a nice day!


  1. Very pretty! :D

    Orange is my favourite colour so I love this dress.

    Awesome job to the both of you!

  2. very cute and she looks so proud to be wearing it!
    Happy Easter

  3. OMG she looks so beautiful!!! My Easter dresses were all super poofy and pastel...and covered in tulle flowers, haha. I wish I had had one like this. You are the best mom!
