Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mini Leaves

First of all, thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! It was a great weekend - a night out with the family on Friday, then a wonderfully lazy day at home yesterday, then more family time today. Family is what it's all about! Oh and a new washer and dryer helps too! I *think* a miter saw is coming my way soon too as a present. Yes that was my requested present. Power tools rock!

But today it was back to sewing as normal (I still did a little sewing yesterday, just to keep up with my daily goal!) and I worked on a mini companion piece to the red with green leaves piece I did last week here.

Because the leaves are a lot smaller, I decided to forgo the pieced veins. The bulkiness they add at the leaf points would have been very hard to needleturn, and instead I went with some cute little buttons. Looking at them now, they kind of remind me of caterpillars! But that's just fine because where else do you find caterpillars but on leaves?

I'll get this little one finished up in the next couple of days and take a photo of it next to the bigger version so you can see the size difference. I'm loving the use of simple shapes and colors.


  1. Aha!! little smiley-faced caterpillars!

  2. Oh my goodness that cheesecake looks yummy. I can see I am going to have to find a recipe on line and try making my own. Your leaves are cute, especially with the buttons.

    Happy Birthday!

  3. I like the leaves...the buttons are a neat addition.


  4. I really like these colors together - I never would have expected that they would look so great. Love the buttons :) Your blog makes me want to park my butt on the couch and applique all day...
