Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Flowers

After a long cold Winter, here in New Hampshire it is finally starting to feel like Spring! I have been planting seeds which are now seedlings and my peony's have started to come up through the ground. All of this has put me in the mood to make a Spring quilt with lots of flowers, so I started on that tonight.

So far I have appliqued the purple flower and stem, but more will come out of the vase over the next few days. I hope you are having beautiful weather too wherever you are reading from!


  1. These look like they will be cute happy flowers - we're having lovely Autumn weather at the moment and enjoying it.

  2. it's spring here and I have the blisters (from raking up the yard) to prove it! Love the smells and the warmer temps too and I love your flower vase!

  3. Joanna ~ the spring flowers are so sweet ~ are you following a specific pattern?
