Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tasty Tuesday Boston Buns

For Tasty Tuesday today I was all set to share how I make homemade granola, then I made the most delicious treat ever and the granola will have to wait until next week!

I was going to have a little get-together with a quilty friend of mine, Fran, and since it's Easter this week, I thought I'd make some Hot Cross Buns. I made the dough, let it rise, shaped it into buns, had them rising in the pan, and was about to put the 'crosses' on them when it hit me - my friend is Jewish! That also put a kink in my other plans to have fresh ham-off-the-bone sandwiches!! Somehow ham and Hot Cross Buns just wasn't going to work!

So I made a last minute change and turned the Hot Cross Buns into my very favorite treat from my childhood, Boston Buns. I don't know what you call them in America, and I haven't come across them here yet, but I find it rather funny that I now live 45 minutes from Boston!

So onto the recipe...

I just used my usual bread dough recipe and added some raisins...

Into a bowl (I use a Kitchen Aid) put all the ingredients in the following order:

1.5 C warm water
2 tsp yeast
1/4 c sugar
1/4 c oil
3.5 c flour
1 tsp salt
1 C Raisins

Mix all together and add more flour if it's too wet, but you don't want it to be too dry. Let it mix for at least 5 minutes. Let rise until doubled in size, roll into balls, put into ungreased pan, and let double in size again.

I made 12 large rolls with this.

When they are cool you frost them with a yummy pink butter frosting. Here is the one I used:

1 Stick of butter (1/4 pound)
2 Cups Powdered Sugar
Few drops Red food coloring
About 3 TBL water - give or take
1 tsp essence (I used strawberry today)

Put all in mixer bowl and beat beat beat until light and fluffy.

Spread over cooled rolls, then push coconut into the frosting.

Eat and enjoy!

By the way, I told Fran all about my messing up with my very non-kosher plans for our lunch and she thought it was hilarious! Gotta love her!


  1. A flexible cook - great save!! These look delicious!!

  2. You and your Kool KiWi dishes! Love it. Now, what I really would love is to be your nearby neighbor instead of your fun friend in DC. At least the blog keeps me company.

  3. Your blog is fabulous and your stitching is exquisite. Thank you for the trip down memory lane regarding Boston Buns. They were a favourite from my childhood in Dunedin. In Wellington, where I live now, they are called Sally Lunns. I have tried them from the supermarket but they are not the best at all.
