Friday, May 13, 2011


As I'm sure many of you know, Blogger has been down for maintenance for the last 24 hours. This put a little dent in my goal to blog every day this year. I came on last night to do my daily post and was shattered!! So what's a girl to do but do a post anyway, but on Facebook! So I'll just cut and paste that post for you right now, and be back later with today's post...

Thursday May 12th, 2011

My house smells like Spring. And to me, the smell of Spring is lilacs. We have 2 lilac trees in our yard and this was the week they bloomed. I cut a bunch of them today along with some Forsythia and some other random branches of blossoms, put them in a vase in the kitchen and now my whole house smells like lilacs. One of my favorite smells on earth. Heavenly.

I also finished up the applique on my bowl of oranges I wrote about yesterday. I am very motivated to design this fruit and vege quilt for my kitchen! Below are the pics of the block before and then after being needleturned, just so you can see the difference.


And after...


  1. Joanna I know what you mean about blogger, I was trying to leave a comment yesterday and it wouldn't let me grrr. Anyhow, I love your fruit bowl, I have never attempted anything like this, do you just free hand draw the shapes and then put them down? Or do you have a pattern/template? If so, do you sell them, in other words can I have one LOL. Cheers from Australia, Linda M

  2. Just had a closer look, I think I may be able to draw it LOL. Will have a go, sorry to rattle on.
