Thursday, May 26, 2011


I thought I'd give you a break from the strawberries (which have undergone another change!) and show you what I did in my garden today.

I have sadly neglected my garden and yard since we bought this house 4 years ago, but this is the Summer of the garden! We aren't going away this Summer, we have having a stay-cation instead, with family traveling to visit us. Since we will be home a lot, I really want to enjoy the outside, and so beautifying it is high on my priority list.

Remember back HERE when I dug out a strip of sod next to our pathway? Today I finally planted and mulched the strip.
The hardest part was the prep - when I started digging to loosen the soil, I kept hitting rocks. However, only some of what I was hitting was rocks - most of it was big fat ugly pieces of asphalt buried several inches under the dirt. Talk about frustrating!

I did eventually get it all out, and kept the rocks to use as a border.
My boy, Joaquin, who is 6, laid the rocks out all by himself - I think he did great! He also planted some plants while I was talking with my neighbor. He had noticed the pattern I was using, Day Lilly, Marigold, Lambs Ear, and copied exactly what I had done. Can you tell this kid is learning about patterns in Kindergarten or what?!

I also snuck out to Home Depot and picked up 3 hydrangeas which are my favorite plant. How many rocks do you think I'll find digging the holes for these?!
After school I hung out with our cat Mittens...
who follows me everywhere I go outside, and watched my hubby playing 4 square with the kids.
He works full time and goes to school full time, so these moments are rare and precious right now.

As for quilting, tonight I cut out two more blocks for my Kitchen fruit & vege quilt, but I have to save something to show for another day, right?!


  1. Great work on the pathway. Looks very pretty now.
    Your son is so clever to pick up your pattern!

  2. I love how your pathway along the driveway turned out!! And how nice to have your son as a little helper. We have very rocky soil here in CT-- not fun!! I'm hoping to do some planting this weekend. Have a nice Memorial Day weekend!

  3. It looks beautiful! I think my soil grows rocks better than anything.

  4. Thank you for visiting Hollyhocks. I am going to be posting an autumn art quilt, made by my students, later this week. I am pretty excited about it, so stop back. I know what you mean about gardening turning into excavating. I live in a place that's all digging through concrete when the weather is dry...

  5. Hoho, Joaquin has nice logical thinking! Not all kids his age will realize that. The rocks made up for the frustration while digging them. You made use of them pretty well and it looks cute. You'll have really good bonding times with your family in a garden like that! :)
