Sunday, May 29, 2011

Seen-It Sunday

Sundays are crazy busy for me. Some days I am at various church meetings from 9am 'till 2pm, and when I get home I just want to do a whole lot of nothing. So much for being a day of rest! But it's invigorating and highly rewarding so being busy in this case is definitely a good thing :) As a result of my crazy Sunday schedule, I've decided to start a new thing, "Seen-It Sundays" where instead of entertaining you, I let other bloggers entertain you, by linking you to things that have piqued my interest during the week.

This week three things come to mind.

Firstly, if you hadn't heard, Quilt Market was held in Salt Lake City a couple of weeks ago, and there have been many reports about it from quilt bloggers. One that I really enjoyed was by Kathy Mack at Pink Chalk Studio. What I enjoy about her report is that she lists the quilting trends she noticed. Go read it and find out what is trending in quilting now!

Secondly, Chavah Kinloch of Creating My Reality made a fantastic light shade for her daughter's room. She used fabric to wrap around a wire frame to create something totally unique. And best of all it cost her a maximum of $1!
As quilters, we have a lot of fabric lying around. This would be a great thing to do to use up older fabrics that we perhaps aren't as enchanted with anymore!

And thirdly, my dear friend Brenda of Pumpkin Patch Primitives wrote a wonderful post about her frustration with the attitudes shown towards her teenage son who has autism.
I think it's a fascinating must-read for everyone, and even if we think we're doing the right things, we still can learn and be educated.

Back tomorrow with pear progress!

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